light escpaing?

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Feb 4, 2009
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the new setup im designing in my closet will be 4' by 1.5'. i was going to seperate it from the rest of my closet with a white vinyl shower curtain (possible with mylar on it). the problem is i am worried about light escaping through the top above the curtain. the curtain is like 6' or so tall and the room has 10 foot ceilings.

so should this be a big problem since i will have a hps light with a hood shining down on my plants. i ask this because the only way to completly seal in the light would be to either extend the curtain somehow to make it longer or to build a wall which i really dont have the time or money to do. any help would be appreciated.

i would show pics to describe it but this is my 11th post and i need 15 to post pics (kinda dumb)
holy **** i didnt realize how badly i misspelled escaping in the title to the post. sorry about that.
Yep, probably the hardest part of getting a grow goin, sealing up the lights. Just takes a little ingenuity though, and a lot of duct tape (in my case)
yea thats pretty much what i figured. i think i thought of a way to ghetto rig it to seal in all the light, but then i run into possible heat issues. it'll only be a 250w hps in there but i still think it'll get a bit too warm in there if its fully enclosed with no ventilation..

i was going to use a fan to blow the hot air up and out of the area through that gap, but i might have to think up something else.

it's in an air conditioned room, so how hot could it really get in there?
cheechmarin123 said:
yea thats pretty much what i figured. i think i thought of a way to ghetto rig it to seal in all the light, but then i run into possible heat issues. it'll only be a 250w hps in there but i still think it'll get a bit too warm in there if its fully enclosed with no ventilation..

i was going to use a fan to blow the hot air up and out of the area through that gap, but i might have to think up something else.

it's in an air conditioned room, so how hot could it really get in there?

You absolutely have to have fresh air in your grow room. Your plants need a constant fresh supply of CO2. You should be exchanging the air in your space 3-4 times a minute. In addition, you should have some kind of oscillating fan that blows air on the plants to simulate wind and help them build strong stems. I do not think that a fan "blowing hot air up and out of the area through the gap" is going to be nearly enough ventilation. I am guessing that you are going to need some kind of intake (near the floor). This can probably be a passive intake. You are, however, going to need some kind of fan mounted up high to remove the heat. If you are exhausting into the same space that you are pulling cool air from, the space will get hot and your cooling will be ineffective. How hot can it get in there with no ventilation? I'm guessing over 100F...
ha ha yea... well thanks for all the help and everything but im sorry to say that my stepbrother snitched on me to my parents so none of this will be a problem considering that they are randomly piss testing me now and i will no longer be smoking weed much less growing it. thanks for all the help though. sry to waste everyones time.
cheechmarin123 said:
ha ha yea... well thanks for all the help and everything but im sorry to say that my stepbrother snitched on me to my parents so none of this will be a problem considering that they are randomly piss testing me now and i will no longer be smoking weed much less growing it. thanks for all the help though. sry to waste everyones time.

Sounds best.
Rule number 1 never grow in mom and dads house. Stay in school and off drugs
well technically it wasnt in their house. i live about 2 hours away but they still pay the bills while im in school. anyway it was fun while it lasted. maybe now i can focus on the stuff that really matters like graduating sometime soon. 4 year plan my ***.

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