Lights, camera, bud pic.

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umbra said:
I won a photo contest earlier this year, and the judge said it broke every rule of photography.

Dude, yer gonna fit right in here! The technical stuff is just one aspect ( Albiet a very important one.. And I really gotta give Qman credit, he has been our technical anchore so far, and I have to credit him for really holding this thread together;) ).

Umbra, bro, bring that pic in and just talk about it a little. Tell us what you did to arrive at the finished product...
nvthis said:
Dude, yer gonna fit right in here! The technical stuff is just one aspect ( Albiet a very important one.. And I really gotta give Qman credit, he has been our technical anchore so far, and I have to credit him for really holding this thread together;) ).

Umbra, bro, bring that pic in and just talk about it a little. Tell us what you did to arrive at the finished product...

Sorry Bro no can do with the photo, as it is under my real name and going on display around the US in 2010.
Great Thread, Thank You All For Sharing, I Have Gotten Into Photography In The Last Few Years, I Started Out With A Kodak Z650 Point & Shoot, I Modified A Old Video Camera Lens & Fit It In A Screw In Filter, And Could Get Pretty Good Trich. Shots, I Also Have A EyeClops And Pretty Much Got As Good As I Could With Both.
Then I Got The Bright Idea Of Getting A SLR And Step Up My Game, Man, What A Crazy Idea That Was, I Did Alot Of Research On All The SLR's And What I Wanted To Do, I Ended Up With A Nikon D5000 - 18mm-55mm Lens, & 55mm-200mm Lens, Quick Flash, Awesome Camera, But, Do I Feel Lost !!!!, I Need To Go To Some Kinda School Myself Just To Figure This Out.
I Have Alot To Learn, But It's Fun, I Need To Add To My Lens, Like A 50mm, Or A 105mm, Really Don't Know Which Will Be The Best, I Still My Have To Add Some +++ Filter Lens To Get The Magnification That I Want, But I'm Working On It.
Like I Said Great Thread I Feel I'll Learn A Great Deal Right Here, Thank's.
Here Is What I Can Do So Far, I Have Had The Camera For About Two Weeks Or So.

Nikon D5000-12-14-09@1 001.JPG

Nikon D5000-12-14-09@1 007.JPG

Nikon D5000-12-14-09@1 023.JPG
Ok folks, lets get dirty:hubba:

In response to 2dogs question, you should probably go with what Q said for the white balance. I guessed tungstun because the incandescent filament is made of.... Tungstun. Seemed like a good guess at the time.;)

But, then, I got another idea 2dog. If you have the patience for it. Just set up on a tripod and without changing any other settings, go through the wb settings one by one.. it's only 5 or 6 shots..

PIA right? Ok, I'll do it with you;) ....

Here is the first set of white balance shots (according to the setting on my camera.. Which is a Fuji finepix s1000, 10.0 mega pix) These were all taken using the manual setting. Other settings will change these, so don't be too judgemental as we are just running a little test to discover some of the differences..

This first series is:

Manual setting/ISO @ 100, shutter speed 320, aperture @ f2.8 & macro setting 1 with a dark blue backdrop. Both camera and bud are set under my 600w HPS

(wb setting)No flash.........................................(wb setting)With flash.

Fine2009_1227Dec290001.JPG Fine2009_1227Dec290008.JPG

Shade2009_1227Dec290002.JPG Shade2009_1227Dec290009.JPG

Flo12009_1227Dec290003.JPG Flo12009_1227Dec290010.JPG

Flo22009_1227Dec290004.JPG Flo22009_1227Dec290011.JPG

Flo32009_1227Dec290005.JPG Flo32009_1227Dec290012.JPG

Incandescent2009_1227Dec290006.JPG Incandescent2009_1227Dec290013.JPG

As we can plainly see, some settings offer very little in notable change with this setup. 2dog, why don't you go ahead and throw yours up and we will have a look.. Also an interesting note: See how the images with out a flash are actually slightly 'brighter' that then images with a flash. Weird? Fo sho! My camera also comes with a 'custom' wb setting. I have no idea what it does...
While we are here, and not to confuse things, we should just go ahead and see some other settings. This next series (much like Q's above) will feature different aperture and f/stops, but holding on the white balance setting of incandescent and with flash @ macro setting 1 with a dark blue backdrop..

First with different shutter speed settings and aperture holding at f2.8 with ISO @ 100..

1/50 & f2.8 2009_1227Dec290017.JPG

1/200 & f2.8 2009_1227Dec290016.JPG

1/500 & f2.8 2009_1227Dec290014.JPG

1/1000 & f2.8 2009_1227Dec290015.JPG (Taken under my HPS.... Can you believe it????)

Now with f/stops and holding at 320 speed setting..

1/320 f5 2009_1227Dec290018.JPG

1/320 f6.4 2009_1227Dec290019.JPG

Now here is something VERY interesting that has happened, and here is how to check it out... Click onto pic #4. Minimize it to your bottom bar. Then click into pic #5 and maximize it. The go to your bottom bar and maximize pic#4, then use your bottom bar to quickly toggle back and forth between them. They are almost identical!!! Almost, even though one is set at 1/1000 f2.8, and the other is set at 1/320 f5. You should also check out how the tape in the lower left hand corners become more in focus as we go from f2.8 to f5 to f6.4. Also, depending on the settings, we have accomplished over powering a lot of the benefits derived from our white balance setting.. Confused yet?? DON'T be. This is merely a nonsensical test of the white balance setting.. :D

Thanks Hammy for turning me on to that
GREAT info and pics.

It has been a while since I have taken any pics :(
finally got through this hole thread... been trying my best to soak everything up so far. I need to get home tonight and play with my camera a little bit. I've always thought that my macro setting was not very good but then 2dog made the comment about the close up mode having different settings than the other modes, so I'm quite exited to see what I can come up with.
lordhighlama said:
finally got through this hole thread... been trying my best to soak everything up so far. I need to get home tonight and play with my camera a little bit. I've always thought that my macro setting was not very good but then 2dog made the comment about the close up mode having different settings than the other modes, so I'm quite exited to see what I can come up with.

Hey guys, thanks for coming by. Feel free to post all the pics you want! Lama, be sure to keep us up on your progress!
Okay let the pics ? begin...
Okay the first one is how i wake up in the mornin....actually my cuz works at a shelter for ferretts.
Next is the bagseed left overs from outdoors. Just running them off for hash !
Last one is the new DWC grow with sum super skunk ~



DWC1 010.JPG

DWC1 013.JPG
Meds, looks like you got a nice collection of buds on the way:hubba:

Soo.. You feedin' yer plants pinkies now????:eek: :p

Nice pics bro. Keep 'em comin'!
just been playing around with this and finally understanding how to use this computer to resize stuff as well:
These are just bagseed but what a great way to look at the trich's ! The last one is my fav off the lemon pledge ~

macro 002.jpg

macro 004.jpg

macro 005.jpg

macro 007.jpg
nvthis said:
Meds, looks like you got a nice collection of buds on the way:hubba:

Soo.. You feedin' yer plants pinkies now????:eek: :p

Nice pics bro. Keep 'em comin'!

rofl ! my cuz sent me the picture of her fav hairless ferrett. Just felt like how i awoke this am.
Great Shot's With The EyeClops, You Have A Steady Hand, I Have Yet To Get Anything Close To That Last Shot!!
I have a Mini tripod with one leg screwed to the desk top. I pull the plants out and start snappin. I think i took 40 sum pics and ended up with these winners , I've tried all settings 100x, 200x and 400x. Almost all of them were the best at 200 mag. The last one was at 400 magnification. Thanks for the comments ~
ok, well as I suspected my macro and other setting on my old camera were not where they needed to be to get involved with some of the features we are learning in this thread.

I got so exited about it that I wen't out today and purchased myself a brand new Canon PowerShot SX120is... :hubba: Any advice from the pro's on this camera?

Also got myself a tripod, so now I should be good to go. This thing has more settings than I will ever know what to do with, but I'm gonna keep digesting this thread and might slowly learn a thing or two.

here are the pics...


Allright, been busy.

Learning how to use a macro lens is interesting, here is some results tho not perfect

I tried a couple different lighting angles and settings

Let me know what you think??

The first 2 are Querkle

The last few pics are from the BPOTM plant....

MY SETTINGS: I was shooting these in "M" mode @f/5.6, 200 ISO and 1/60 sec. shutter speed + studio lighting and different flash angles.





nvthis said:
1000 f2.8, and the other is set at 320 f5. You should also check out how the tape in the lower left hand corners become more in focus as we go from f2.8 to f5 to f6.4. Also, depending on the settings, we have accomplished over powering a lot of the benefits derived from our white balance setting.

As you increase your f/# (ie 2.8-6.4) you increase your DoF (Depth of Field) thus making tings in the background come into focus. When you stop your Aperture (Aperture & f/# are the same thing) down to something like f/2.8 you are telling the camera that you are going to be focusing on one thing(s) and, that everything beyond that focus point will be out of focus. You can see in my pics where I am shooting at low f/# how the focus point is generally in focus, but the background is out of focus. This 'blurry' effect is also called "Bokeh"

NV - I don't understand your 1000 f/2.8 - 320 f/5 question...
here is a funny pic I captured using my new camera... caught my dog just coming out of a yawn. :D

View attachment 145647

another pic I wen't out and tried playing with the macro settings a little bit. Had it at f/2.8 ISO400 and shutter speed at 1/125.

turned out ok but I don't understand what changing the shutter speed will do to the pic. Tried to get a good shot of a female preflower.

lordhighlama said:
here is a funny pic I captured using my new camera... caught my dog just coming out of a yawn. :D

View attachment 145647

another pic I wen't out and tried playing with the macro settings a little bit. Had it at f/2.8 ISO400 and shutter speed at 1/125.

turned out ok but I don't understand what changing the shutter speed will do to the pic. Tried to get a good shot of a female preflower.

View attachment 145649

Wow! She's a her, no question there;)
Qman said:
NV - I don't understand your 1000 f/2.8 - 320 f/5 question...

Sorry Qman, neither do I:confused2: I scrolled back up to find it and ask again, but didn't see the question you were talking about lol..... Thanks for pointing out my mistatement.. I will correct immediately!;)

Wicked macro shots man!