Lol I dreamed that I met an alien

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Jan 5, 2018
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I dreamed that an alien landed on my balcony and I talked to him.
He was so nice and friendly and I’m still upset that he left :/
He said that he’s starting to get back pain because he doesn’t used to the gravity here on earth.
I asked him if he has feelings and he said that he hasn’t, even thought he apperead super friendly and intelligent.
He said that he is an super advanced AI, and that another aliens with feelings has depeloped him 7 billion lights years away from earth, but they can’t travel so far on space, so they’ve sent him to collect some data about the universe.
He said that he’s scheduled to get back in his planet in a few million years.
He also said that he can time travel..
I thought that he was going to stay a bit more but he seemed to be suffering from the atmosphere and gravity so I let him left :(
What do you think about aliens?
If you punch a bunch of holes in a sheet of tin foil and then tape it to your TV screen, you'll be able to read secret messages and other alien transmissions between 11pm and midnight local time.

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be careful with those aliens,,, they will try to anally probe ya,,,and you'll be the one with back pain,,,,
After U get the TV covered with tin foil and got your tin foil cap on you'll have time for some light reading !-- I would suggest Zachariah Sitzen (?) Translation of the Sumerian library -- The first people to have a written language !-- They write about how we are a genetifally modified creature made to mine gold for aliens !--
Enlil and Enki ?-- The Battle of the Eagle and the Snake ?-- The Epic of Gilgamesh ?-- It's not our accepted history and most are afraid of things that might upset thier belief system !--

Dreams are sometimes just the minds way of working something out !--
After U get the TV covered with tin foil and got your tin foil cap on you'll have time for some light reading !-- I would suggest Zachariah Sitzen (?) Translation of the Sumerian library -- The first people to have a written language !-- They write about how we are a genetifally modified creature made to mine gold for aliens !--
Enlil and Enki ?-- The Battle of the Eagle and the Snake ?-- The Epic of Gilgamesh ?-- It's not our accepted history and most are afraid of things that might upset thier belief system !--

Dreams are sometimes just the minds way of working something out !--

The problem, according to the latest revelation by Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode, is that Sitchin’s translations contain contrived information!
Art --Couple hits of this stuff make U think U an alien !-- I can't translate Sumerian so I'm can't argue one way or another -- The answer will be written in our DNA !--
I got a dream !-- I'm old as dirt and they just made some big advances in cancer therapy-- That is important to me because I plan to keep my old as* alive until they find the cure to aging !-- U think aliens are a fantasy ?--Then finding the cure to aging must be hilarious-- It's medically possible but I'm on the clock !-- To have my 35 year old body back ?-- Now that is a noble dream !
Man, i love this site, thank you all for the big laugh. Very detailed dream.
I took to many hard drugs in the 60's. And they wanted me to mate with them.
I Knew It!


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