Many types of members - this is a Marijuana Forum. Remember it please.

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MJ Passion

Staff member
Jul 29, 2016
Reaction score
Okay members. I am well aware there are two political leanings on this site. That is fine. This is not a Liberal Site and it is not a Conservative site.

When discussing how to grow MJ you will behave and discuss that.

When in the Old Timer's Club thread/s or the new Island of Misfits, you will be decent and not troll or accusing others of being returned members. If they are returned, it will show eventually. If you are not a mod or admin, you have no need to be a pain.

That works both ways.

As I told some yesterday, this is a Marijuana Growing and using, etc Forum. The political stuff is not suppose to be here but it has been in the OTC thread and now a bit in the Iof M thread.

I have just banned one user from posting any replies to one of those threads, and will do more if I find it being an issue.

Ignore the thread you are not part of.
Thank You and i will definitely abide by your rules.
Yes Ma'am ! -- I am working on reforming myself !- I don't think the stay at home orders have helped the situation much !-- I suppose the threats and rolling up on the beach at me like they did to silence me may have a part in my seeming inability to get along with some ? -- I will try harder but I am not gonna be dominated by some biker conservative !
This is a great site , in the time I have been on here I have learned to grow buds that I would of only dreamed of growing 2 years ago but I also enjoy the difference in all the punters and there different views I personally have found a hangout in the OFC but I still read and have a laugh with IOM ,some political banter is going to happen and can be amusing , cheers for keeping it in check - keep up the good work stay safe -and thankyou for a great place to hang out
I agree.this seems to be a good mj growing forum.i don't get into politics but I love growing.i really don't care for politics but I don't judge those that do.happy growing to all.
I despise modern politics. Us vs them. Identity politics. Politicizing gender roles in the name of "How it's supposed to be done, because, Tradition ". Sorry, it's 2020 and professional success has no specific identity. Misogynistic patronising bull doo doo.
I'm gonna jump on my soap box for a sec and flex my survival creds. I've been supplementing my blue collar income for about 15 years growing ganj. Ive seen some sh*t. Ive been imappropriately assaulted by consulting clients, in remote off grid locations. Ive considered carrying a side piece despite not being legally elibigle to do so. I still have a can of bear spray velcroed to my steering wheel out of habit. I've run the numbers :
Number one is your taxable income. That thing on your resume. Your internet clout or street pull dont mean no thang when sh*t hits the fan. Be your best self on the legal side. Make sure your career and your needs match up. Keep your credit score at 700. Buy your groceries and heating oil in cash if that's how you roll.
This ain't politics it's pot farmer life. That's why we are here. I immediately distrust anyone who shows up with an agenda or a disdain for the work that women have put into generations of the American economy as everything from unpaid, uncredited, and often unloved homemakers supporting the Very Serious Business of their husbands, to the Rosie the Riveter types who stepped up when they were shown a ladder. You go girls, snipe em with a rivet .
I live alone. By choice. It's safer that way. I have a scar on my right eyebrow to remind me of how I came to that conclusion.
y'all can talk all the politics you want and I will cast judgement discreetly, ill totally read it to my bestie over drinks and laugh at you, but not post back, and not start a mess in most cases. But, so God is watching me type, the moment it turns to misogyny and cutesy patriarchal "jokes" (not funny, go away) ... we are enemies for as long as internet history is stored.
100% of the members on my iggy list, including two who identify as female, have been blocked for creepy misogynistic posts. All of them. Every single one. It's a little disturbing that this is the case.
We are here to grow pot safely. Period.
Respect is earned but disrespect should never be the default.
Stepping down now.
Good evening all. This seems to be a good cannabis growing site and I agree that politics does not belong on here. Not in the Island of Misfits or in the Old Farts Club either, if politics are against the rules. Politics is the great divider. As cannabis growers we need to unite, not look down on the new people. They may have a lot of growing under their belt and have lots to offer. Or they may need all of the help they can get. In other words, open your ears and shut your mouth.
You know what, dude. I have you on ignore but this popped up in current postings and I enabled it and .. .
"Open your ears and shut your mouth". Guess I missed the memo on what purpose forums still have in the age of the Google search. Fabulous. I quit; I will forevermore just ask Wikipedia for help, and guide others to do the same.
Sinkattic, we got off on the wrong foot a few days ago. I meant no harm, only a different point of view, if I remember right. I apologize if I offended you. Don't remember exactly what our disagreement was all about. Maybe due to my advanced age, i'm 72, and grow indoors, for my own use, for the last 10 years. Have been a daily toker since the summer of 1968. I know that you are an educated young lady, that sounds like you have fought and clawed your way to success. I congratulate you for that. Do not understand why you put me on i"ignore" over our little disagreement. I still need a friend ??
In this time that we live I find people: lacking intellect, education and common sense. Well, most people in the modern world.

Sometimes I'm ashamed to be "human" as we kill each other and argue without LISTENING to others. Things were better years ago, people could disagree and still be civil to one another.

I've isolated myself from society, before the covid 19 pandemic began. Myself and my woman, family on occasion.
Dang NC, been a while. I mix up a batch of NC's Supersoil every year for my summer grow. Love it as much now as the first time I used it. And have never felt the need to tweek it.

LOL--Hick really could lay the smack down couldn't he?

Hope you are doing well, my friend!

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