mold or mildew??

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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
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i woke up this morning opened up mother closet/clone chamber/veg chamber and 3 of the 15 afghooey clones have a little white powdery substance on them have never had this problem with my c99 or nl5 clones in 5yrs of growing...

I am planing on taking everything out washing down walls cloning dome with 10% bleach solution, but what should i do about the clones trash em or try the milk thing?

I am actually behind on clone production getting ready for outdoor and being I was just gifted this afghooey it will put me way behind on what i have already kinda promised out would hate to loose these and the nl5 clones i have in the closet..also do i need to worry about this spreading to flowering room and other plants?

temp rng in closet is 72-83 humidity runs between 30-50% havent had this trouble before
I would bin them, its going to spread, the spores are microscopic and move freely in the air.

I would get a bag and cover the non affected plants and remove them until only the affected plants remain in the room, I would not bag the affected plants before removing the clean plants as you will make the spores airborne

Then I would put a bag over the affected ones and dump them.

Scrub the room from top to bottom then put the unaffected plants back in.

You have already lost the affected clones.

Do not put the unaffected plants in the flower room just incase you transfer the spores into the flower room and then all your plants will get it.

After you have cleaned the clone room change all your clothes before putting the clones back in the room.

get some "That Stuff Molds and Mildew Formula"- it will kill the mold thats there and prevent future problems...I spray it as a preventative-all natural
no chemicals -very safe for seedlings to flowering.:)
Thats what sucks about clone gifts sometimes, they can be hell in disguise. Sorry about your luck man.
I cleaned mother/veg/clone room 15% bleach solution have ordered AN protector
,and am going to order sulphur burner asap as soon as have thecash..have used milk solution and the 10% bleach pool solution that gooeybreeder recomended flower room has no signs of infestation as of yet hoping i get lucky on that..but taking precautions anyways really hope doesnt take 10 days for the protector to get here since only distributor i can find for it is in canada lets hope for the best
If its powdery mildew a dish soap and water solution . I few drops of dish soap in a spray bottle of water will fix them up. spray the entire clone until it drips wait a day or two and repeat. You may need to do a few times but its cheap, easy, non toxic and works like a charm

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