My Blueberry

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Noli urinae contra ventus
Jan 31, 2009
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Hey guy's 'n gals,

Here's a pic of my BB - flowering for maybe 3-4 weeks. See that yellowing leaf thing going on? This happens to me more often than not, no matter the seeds. I know some leaves go yellow late in flowering life, but I have another month to go. The only other constant that I might suspect is heat or maybe pH lock-up. Kinda frustrating, but I always end up with great pot no matter how many little photosynthesizing engines I lose (!)

Anyway, the colas are unreal - I have never seen them so long (reminds me of Trailer Park Boys - seriously, like 14" but no real trichome formation yet.

I mentioned this plant elsewhere, and yes, it's mother and aunts all turned herm on my buddy who gave me the clone, but so far she looks pretty darned stable. :icon_smile:


imo they look great. we will always have a leaf or 2 turn yellow as the plants mature.
I can't say much, first grow in prog, but my ladies are hitting week 2 of flowering and have much more yellow and are much less developed! so looking good!

you ever try a little LST?

3-4 WEEKS THAT LOOKS amazing and i wouldnt worry abut leaves that low down on the plant as they are the oldest leaves and may have served their purpose at this stage of growth and moto and where ya been dude.
Yeah those are some nice colas :) You might want to tie them all up for support because they are going to swell and get really heavy. Either that or get some netting and lower around them, or even some bamboo steaks to tie them to for support. :) That yellowing off is not that unusual as many plants will lose some of their oldest lower leaves just like T4 said. It could be a natural part of the process or it could be that they out grew their ability to aquire nutrients from the soil. Either way, looks like harvest is going to be good :)
Indeed, these will need some support, thx for the reminder. I'm pleased to see that we have thickening pistils, no real visible trichomes yet, but I'm in no hurry either :)

I still worry about the tendency of most of my leaves to start yellowing though... but maybe I worry too much.

Cheers my friends,
Hey everyone,

As I mentioned, this was a clone of a girl that hermed, but I am seeing some pretty stable female characteristics. I think I have a few weeks left to go and no real sugary goodness on the baby leaves yet, but I remain hopeful!

I'll start tying her up soon; those colas, while not getting any taller, are def getting fatter :)


Time4Plan-B said:
3-4 WEEKS THAT LOOKS amazing and i wouldnt worry abut leaves that low down on the plant as they are the oldest leaves and may have served their purpose at this stage of growth and moto and where ya been dude.

Haha... still in the belly of the beast, working hard, trying to keep my nose above water! Riding every week or so, usually 250-400 milers, meandering the Shenandoahs. And, of course, our hobby takes up its own requisite time!

When I first joined this august cohort back in 2009, I remember seeing a pic of THG's colas as long as her forearm. :hubba:

This spurred me on and I think I finally have found a strain to emulate her accomplishments! We will see in a month or so!

Thx for asking bro'

sMACkaddict said:
How long did you veg for?


I aerated the clone to develop roots in plain H2O under 24 hr T5s for - IIRC - about three weeks before I started seeing some roots. Then I transplanted and I'm pretty sure at least 4-5 weeks of veg.

I think I might have about three weeks or so left to flower. It's the only plant in the closet under a 400W HPS.

They may be sat heavies and may take a deal longer then originally anticipated for ya's, but that's better for production ;)

a few yellowing bottom droppers are fine and, mine continue to grow when they do that, I just stay the course and they always end up fine... :)
I agree with 7...looks to be a bit Sativa leaning and might take a little longer to frost up and finish. As for the yellow leaves you big deal at all. I get lower leaves turning yellow mid flower sometimes when I don't remove the bottom 1/4 or 1/3 of the plants. They are hella swollen and looks like a good yield in your future. Nice job.
Hamster Lewis said:
I agree with 7...looks to be a bit Sativa leaning and might take a little longer to frost up and finish. As for the yellow leaves you big deal at all. I get lower leaves turning yellow mid flower sometimes when I don't remove the bottom 1/4 or 1/3 of the plants. They are hella swollen and looks like a good yield in your future. Nice job.

Thx a lot HL and 7.. appreciate it.

Here's a pic from tonight...


The Hemp Goddess said:
Wow--how do you get your plants to grow sideways like that?

lol - I laugh, but you know, HG, you are my inspiration - seriously. That pic of you floating around here somewhere with a cola bigger than yer forearm stays in my head!

OK, I promise I'll try to remember to turn the pic back to normal mode next time :)

New pic coming next week! I'm on pure 6.5 flushing now for prolly two weeks. The pistils have not turned brown at all.

Lil Miss Blueberry is slow to let go, it seems... :icon_smile:

Cheers :)
Moto-Man said:
Lil Miss Blueberry is slow to let go, it seems... :icon_smile:
We are now seeing some slight browning of the pistils. Buds are fattening up. Straight 6.5 ish water now. I have used chem nutes so I wanna flush them from the soil. I figure maybe a week or so before chop time.

My last crop (Acid, from Paradise seeds) I let go til it was almost 50% amber. The only thing that pot is good for is vegging out and maybe pain relief. It leaves me almost catatonic. Definitely one hit pot and not for the timid :)

I would like the BB to be more of an up type buzz... well, we will see!


Looking dank bro, I'd take the huge tops and leave the bottoms to swell and amber out/ fatten up..

I want that to b in my garden tomorrow when I wake up, Hell or just a branch of it haha.