My clones un-leaf their stems--WHY?!?!?!

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Ganja Gardener
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
My clones are doing something i've never seen before:
They are growing like this! (see picture)

That is, they look healthy and green on top, but strip themselves of their leaves on the rest of the stem. The leaves have been browning up and dropping off like one typically sees during flowering, but these are vegetative and have only had good roots for about 2 weeks. Nakeding their own stems does not seem very conducive to photosynthesis. :confused: Solutions? Anyone?

[they are White Widow and Ice, in peat pots, in happy frog soil from fox farms, in my kitchen cabinet above the toaster oven, under compact flourescent light--all in all, using the same format that has worked super well for cloneing bag-seed, but, for the first time, trying it on clones of quality genetics]

Any good help will be much obliged :giggle:

any nutes? i've only heard of bottom leaves doing this from a nitrogen def but seems too early for that, i dont know...all i've grown is clones ( 2 yrs ) and i've never seen it. someone will know
Nutes were introduced only after they rooted, in the form of the Happy Frog soil (no other nutes have been added). Glad to clarify!
as long as you got good healthy growth then the rest of plant should start picking up and growing new leaves shortly.. what is the ph of your water???
That plant is COMPLETELY NITROGEN DEFFICIENT. IT's time to feed with a good veg nutrient before you lose your clones.A ph of 7 won't lock out N like that. It is still readily available. It just looks like they are completely yellow.Which is indicative of N def.ITS dropping the leaves because it's eating them.It needs the Nitrogen.
it's not the greatest picture, but they're green as the day i was born on top. i swear it. g-r-e-e-n.