My First Grow Journal

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2008
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My first grow journal! I am hoping that with a little bit of care and support, my girls will turn out well and not an afterschool special.

So here is the situation. I have 2 strains. 3 plants Pure Power Plant (fem) and 2 Nirvana Special. Planted 5/3 sprouted between 5/5-5/7. 5 weeks and 3 days of veg. Growing in organic soil (very good local brand) with perlite and dolomite lime. I am using FF GB, BB, and TB. I did have them in 2 gal pots to try to keep size down and they just seemed miserable. Two days ago I transplanted into 3 gal grow bags (man, they take a lot of soil.) They are still a little drooping from the transplant, but seem to be liking it.

I have two grow spaces:
Grow Space #1: Has been for veg. It is 8ft tall x 4ft wide x 3ft deep. Running 900 Watts of CFL.

Grow Space #2: Was suppose to be for flower. My lowryders are still finishing up in there. 6 ft tall x 3 ft wide, 2 feet deep. 400 w HPS in a cool tube.

When I planted my girls I thought for sure that I could keep them small and managable and then put them into space #2 and it would be perfect. I had been pinching and fimming. After I transplanted to the grow bags I realized that I had one more plant than I had space. So I have decided that I will be having 2 or 3 under the HPS and will attempt to flower the others in space # 1 with the CFLs.

I planted them and at some point one night when I was sure I knew just what I was doing, I lost track of which was which during transplant. In the time before the journal I kept track of things but not that well. I am going to make an effort to do better. Three had some PH/Nute problems, but have been doing better.

Only one of the plants is named, Big Bertha. I would love input on names for the others and and who should get the HPS and who should get the CFLs.

I don't really take a good picture. But I will try to do better.

p.s. whoever was in charge of the ruler was high.

Pic #1 Unnamed lady.
Pic #2 Top view i liked.
Pic #3 A little bit runty. Unnamed.



Pic # 3 Unnamed lady
Pic #4 Unnamed lady
Pic #5 Bertha

Oh, they were vegged under 24/0 and then switched to 18/6 on 5/7. Bertha was moved under the HPS on 5/11 since there was no more room for her after the transplant to growbags.



SherwoodForest said:
They look bushy and nice, but why did you switch to 18/6?

Because my fan is a little on the loud side and there were going to be people in that area. I decided to go to 18/6 so they would be off. I was hoping to put them into flower sooner, so I didn't mind switching.

ArtVandolay said:
Real nice, Yoga. Which one did you sample :hubba:

I sampled my lowryders that are almost done. All of these girls are about to get put in flower. I so wish my lowryders would finish. I think I am going to have space issues. I always have issues.
Yesterday, I went to check on the girls and what do I see but a little moth making himself as home. So I told the moth "shoo, shoo little moth" (Sherri Lewis voice). And off he went. This morning I went to see the girls and opened them up and it was like a freakin Hitchcock movie. I hate moths. There were so many I threw up in my mouth a little. Ran to the computer and looked up moths (still freakin out) and see that someone else had the same problem. When asked what to do HIE responded Moth Balls. :doh: Yeah, didn't see that one coming. Got moth balls. Problem solved.

My scrog screen is built and I hope to start using it this weekend. I realize that I have no idea what I am doing (especially with the scog), but figured what the heck. I also keep trying to channel THG everynight, I figured it couldn't hurt.

I am still trying to figure out what I am doing with lights and placement of the plants, since they are in two different grow areas. Still talking to my husband...negotiations in progress.
Dear Diary,

I really don't want to screw this one up.


I am very excited to try the scrog. It is a small screen setup, but was all that I had room for. I love the look of the buds coming through the screen and all of the undergrowth cleared out.

Yesterday, I cleared the undergrowth and added soil to the bags and watered and fed. They are now in their first day of 12/12, It feels monumental. Still trying to decide on names for these two.

So they are now under a 400 watt HPS.

These two (if I guessed right) are Nirvana Special.
Breeder: Nirvana Seeds Standard
Species: Sativa dominant
Environment: Indoor
Origin: N/A
Flowering Time: 60-65 days
Heritage: Jock Horror x Mexican f1 hybrid
Flavor: Sweet, sour
Aroma: Sweet, pungent
High: Energetic, uplifting, sativa
Other Info: Grows tall and lanky with many bud sites

I still have three others (PPP) that are still in veg. I'm just not ready for them yet. I wonder if there is ever going to come a time when I feel like I am not behind the 8-ball trying to get stuff done and plants moved. And buying stuff. Some of what I have is bought, some is built. I really wish that I would have really known what I wanted and gone out and bought it. But apparently I don't know what I want at all. And seem to want to buy new and better things for my grow all the time.

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They certainly look good. Nice work so far. How are the growbags working out for you? I've thought about using them before but I imagined nothing but problems with the bags.

Anyways, we would love to see some of your scrog pictures. I've always wanted to try it but never have as of yet. I know The Hemp Goddess has a good thread in the DIY section of the forums on scrog. Have you looked at it yet? I would if you haven't done so. Just my thoughts. Keep us posted on the ladies. Take care and be safe.
smokybear said:
They certainly look good. Nice work so far. How are the growbags working out for you? I've thought about using them before but I imagined nothing but problems with the bags.

Thanks! The growbags take a lot more soil than I thought they would. They are kind of a pain, but I do like them. I like that I can roll the sides down, and as the plant gets bigger roll them up and add more soil. I only went with 3 gal due to my space limitations, and I think that the growbags will make the plants happier when they start to grow (I hope).

smokybear said:
Anyways, we would love to see some of your scrog pictures. I've always wanted to try it but never have as of yet. I know The Hemp Goddess has a good thread in the DIY section of the forums on scrog. Have you looked at it yet? I would if you haven't done so. Just my thoughts. Keep us posted on the ladies. Take care and be safe.

I look at THG scrog grow a lot. The other flower room isn't set-up yet, I am waiting to see what my husband can come up with to improve my light situation. I have been looking into her dual 150 w cool tube. I have the pyrex coming and panda film. So hopefully I will have new pictures to put up soon of the new and improved grow spot.
Yeah, nice work! I hope you have better luck with your "Big Bertha" than I did. She turned out to be a Bert. I am having better luck with "Little Bertha". How about a slight name change to hopefully steer her down the right female road?
Bertha the Magnificent!
I have decided NOT to go with Bertha. I keep getting the mental picture of Chasity Bono as a truck driver. That is not the mental image I want when I think of my girls. I DO NOT want any of my plants to have sexual identity issues.

Right now I am just trying to name the two under the screen.

Here is what I have thought of so far...
Samantha and Jeannie (because I want some magic)

Tessie (Dropkick Murphys) and Nessie (Loch Ness) (the first is sung at the Big Green Monster and the second is a big green monster)

Marta and Vina (spoken in a bad German accent...I don't know why. They were the names of the green slave girls from Star Trek. Coincidentally, in an episode call 'The Cage')
yoga looks good. same screen i have. from dePOT & cut out 1x1 sq to make a 2x2. one question is how far a distance between tops of bags 2 bottom of screen? looks 2 be quite a distance, is this 2 get in there 2 water & prune. just wondering cause i only leave about 9" to work under there. keep it up.
docfishwrinkle said:
yoga looks good. same screen i have. from dePOT & cut out 1x1 sq to make a 2x2. one question is how far a distance between tops of bags 2 bottom of screen? looks 2 be quite a distance, is this 2 get in there 2 water & prune. just wondering cause i only leave about 9" to work under there. keep it up.

Doc, I went back and forth on the height of the screen A LOT. Just one of the silly things that I second and third guess myself on.

Okay, I was going to go with 8" because I really don't need that much room to get in there and get stuff done. But then 8" put the screen directly in front of the fan. So I decided to go up (of course) and it ended up taller. The more that I thought about it the more that I was okay with it. I read that sativas should have more like 10-12". I liked where it put the fan. And I have about some room to unroll growbags and add soil. But, I keep thinking I should still take 2" off the height.

I'm going to leave it and see what happens.
Dear Diary,

Why can't I just make up my mind? And why can't I take better pictures?


Okay, so I went back on the scrog and took 1 1/2" off the height. Just because if I didn't it would drive me crazy. One has just started growing into the screen.

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Dear Diary,

SOOO HAPPY the house didn't burn down!


My second grow space my husband has been building for me. The shell is aluminum. I have found that it helps with heat issues. It has a fan on the top and an intake fan on the bottom. I was running CFLs for vegging, but when I was ready to flower decided that I needed something else. My husband got a 400 W HPS industrial light and ballast at an auction. He rewired it and made a cooltube for it. The ballast is mounted on the outside of the box. A fan from a blowup Christmas snowman is attached to the cool tube. The next pictures I'll post will be the light and cooltube and girls inside.

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Dear Diary,

I love my box!


11 days into flower. PPP. One is stretching a bit, and is a little on the scrawny side.

1. Light inside box
2. Plants inside box
3. Top of girls

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