My first growth

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what are those white dots on the leafs in the last picture???
marcmatar221, hi!

Your pretty young lady you have there, however, i hate to tell you, i fear you have mites or thrip. Could you get a good pic of the leaves with the most spots on it for us to see.
Those look pretty good, do you see spots on your leaves? The top picture? do you have an eye piece or loupe that you can look at the back of the leaves to see black spots of bug ****? If you don't have one, better get one.. this is the one I like.[ame][/ame] I hope i am wrong, let me know if you see anything.
Thank you so much and yes i have one, i will check them when i come back from work
Doesnt look like mites. They are the only pest that I get.
They look healthy to me, nice job. The only thing I noticed at all was maybe a tiny bit of burn at the very tips of the leaves, but nothing I'd worry about much at this point.

Lookin' good :aok:
Yes it was burned a bit in the middle of my veg stage but its going better now... thanks KSL!
no that is not normal, the leaves are clawing, it could be too much Nitrogen, or very low PH as far as i know. I would flush that with water and dolomite lime to balance ph
No, not normal and not good. Are you checking your pH? What are you feeding here, how much, and how often? Are you letting your water sit out so the chlorine evaporates?
I'm feeding when the leafs start to bend. I'm feeding water without nutes. 1 litre to each pot. Not checking the ph because my friend took the ph-meter. And yes i expose the water 1 day to the sun. I think its again a ph problem. How can i fix that?
if you are feeding only water then your soil might be off ph or extremely hot (high in ferts)
Flushed it today, its the onky sokution i have for now.
That was something I ran into once. I turned the fan in a not so direct direction. The leaf then opened. I also sprayed them. Before you get buds you can spray the leaves. Only before a dark period. I do 24 hour light. So if I spray I give then 1 hour of zero light. Fan on and they will be dry. They won't burn holes from the water drops. Keep up the good work. These things are pretty strong. They can snap back pretty fast.

Keep It Green
I do not understand this: "I'm feeding when the leafs start to bend. I'm feeding water without nutes." Are you giving them any nutrients or are you just watering them? Feeding a plant water without nutes is not feeding, it is watering. Cannabis is a high energy plant and does need food. And pH is very important for correct nutrient uptake.

Also, do not flush just because you do not know what to do. Flush only if the plants need it. You could have done more harm than good by flushing them. If they are hungry and needing nutrients, you could have washed the last of their food away.
THG my bad, my language sucks because u'm french educ anyways i mean in my last paragraph that i use water without fertilizers, i stopped ferts in the end of veg. And i use the water that i drink for them. Usually i water it every 5 days and if i had exams and forgot watering it stays thirsty a week maybe :s thus summer i'm going to grow something really better.