My new Magical Butter machine

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I am still working on my eight gram brownies, I can't imagine the potency if I used 40 grams man, definitely freezer brownies.
Hackerman , I got 10.8 grams of hash from four oz of weed.
More than one person in this thread (and a few others) have talked about putting 30 and 40 and 42 grams of hash into edibles.

I have a question. Do you remember how much weed it took you to acquire that much hash?

I worked with just over a half pound of bud and trim to get 60 gr of hash
I am still working on my eight gram brownies, I can't imagine the potency if I used 40 grams man, definitely freezer brownies.

Feedback from my cookies was they put you down fast, I really didn't notice, I eat them 4-6 at a time.
Lyfespan, that is three times what I got , excellent job.
My brother can handle a one by one inch piece, me double that , but that is about it.
Lyfespan, that is three times what I got , excellent job.

That batch of buds and trim came from a supercrop clone, if you haven't ever taken and revegged one I highly suggest it, you will see as much as 3 times the tric production, as to a regular clone.
I used all trim but still a big difference, thought about reveging but never had to.
Supercrop clones, are clones taken from a flowering mother. I did only one this year in my outdoor grow, and her trich coverage was just insane. I'll be duplicating the process with the same pheno and comparing it against 2 other subjects and a control, to see if it was a fluke or not.
Only way to find out right, try it yourself, no for sure.
I think they said they put that much bud into the maker. Not the output weight of concentrates

edit: sorry, didn't realize there was this whole next page :stoned:
I worked with just over a half pound of bud and trim to get 60 gr of hash

That's about 7 grams per ounce. That's terrific. If I can get even close to that much out of my Kush, I'll be real real happy. It's all buds and popcorn.

How are you extracting it? Ice or sift?

Thanks again for the help.
That's about 7 grams per ounce. That's terrific. If I can get even close to that much out of my Kush, I'll be real real happy. It's all buds and popcorn.

How are you extracting it? Ice or sift?

Thanks again for the help.

I have been dry sifting first, then just frenchy's method for ice.
Hi guys, a long time ago before christmas i made an 8 hour tincture with our new favorite machine. Well it sat out on the counter with a paper towel over the 3.5 cups of tincture that i got to make RSO. Fast forward like two weeks or so and all but 1.5 cups of the everclear had evaporated. I am thinking, if this keeps up it will just make it's own oil...

Today we had windy warm 55F degree day. So i took the hot plate outside and cooked off the booze... This was my third time and i really like the consistency of this better then i made before. I used 40 grams of bud, no shake. And this is what I got. I decided to use small syringes this time so more people can try it. These have only two ml in each syringe and the amount on the plate is probably 1 ml. I will be trying some of this shortly. If this works this cuts my time down by a whole day. WOW

I am always scared to try it the first time, i have had too much before and it wasn't fun.

Lovely Rosebud, I did not see the syringes at first, just whats in the plate. I will try it for you.
Yes, it isn't a good shot but I don't want to move them till they get more solid. I would love for you to try it for me MR1, do you think someday there will be a slot on our phones where we can send tastes of stuff?
That phone thing sounds cool, that would be a good reason for me to buy one.
Rose I'm loving this machine, butter and coconut oil down, next is the alcohol. I loaded a half gallon mason jar with popcorn buds and filled that with everclear, and it's been marinating, I'll load the MB with that.
I still can not find everclear, I've asked my buddy who owns a restaurant to ask his supplier, which said he can't get it.
Any suggestions in Maine?