Nitrogen burn?

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May 26, 2015
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So here are my plants. They are 3 weeks old and yesterday or two days ago I started using nutrients at a very small amount. I assume this is nitrogen burn but I wanted to double check.

If you are going to say they need to be in a bigger pot I am putting them outside within the next week. A few a day I'm Imma put to make sure they are big enough to survive. Growing in a forest here on private land

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More info. They are in Scott's potting soil which does have the extended release nutrients. But when I transplant them I'm gonna remove as much of the soil as I can without hurting the roots an put them into proper soil.
Looks like you dripped something on the leaves..........
That could have been it. While watering them I dropped some. But they look good? That lower yellow leaf isn't a problem?
No problem with that first leaf always die. Good indicator that it is ready to start receiving nutes
i see them with big nice leaves in tiny cups, time to transplant imo
I know right Zem, i am thinking oh no this is going to be ugly, but no, very cute plants with a drip spot. I will be relieved when you get them out of that soil.
i agree with the drip spots, i'm more worried about you putting them out now. you call yourself northernguy so i take it your up north. i'm in the deep south and put plants out late july and pulled them early and that was late nov. to early dec. good luck.