Not sure what is happening here could be heat maybe?

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Week 4 flower under 1800 watts hps ec 2.8
entire tent is 1800watts i have 3 600 arranged in a U so technically only 600 under any section
looks like your light was too close???

what are the temps in the room??
Looks more like a nutrient issue to me, but we need a lot more info. How hot is your space running? How are you growing? What are you feeding them? How often, how much? PH? Etc, etc.
well on one occasion t got to 108 for an hour, once it got to 119 for 2 hours, other then that 80's with a low rh, I am using ebb and grow, with sure to grow medium I am feeding them a base butrient of floranova bloom, adding in amino acids, kelp, humic acids, and cal mag they are being fed lights on ever 3 hours, and once lights off ph i am trying to keep down but it keep going up so i am staying on top of that now(noticed it 2 days ago). I just did a fresh res change

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That is odd. It looks like light bleaching from being directly under the bulb and fairly close. However, the bleaching should've begun on the leaves first (I would think) but this appears to be coming from the center out, like an iron deficiency. If your pH is staying too high too much, that may be what is causing it but I wouldn't swear to it. You say you are staying on top of the pH but how low are you adjusting it down to and where do you think it is averaging? I think you need to make it swing across the 5.8 as the average that the plants see most of the time.
I am of another mind than hush--I believe that it looks like nute burn along with maybe a deficiency from the pH being off. Some nutrients are only uptaken at lower pH levels. This is the reason I start at about 5.4 or 5.5 and let it drift up to 6.0 or so. For instance, manganese can not be used by the plant unless the pH is under 5.6.

Also, warm res temps can cause problems. If your res has gotten hot during those times when the temperature climbed, that is a problem. What are res temps? What do your roots looks like? What ppms are you running?
my res temp is 68 steady I am running 200ppm of cal mag 1150ppm of base nutes with added ingreidients as noted above which include in them all the trace elements needed iron,manganese, sulfer etc.. also it has only happened 2-3 buds total, none of the others are being affected.
As for ph i try and keep it from 5.5 to 6.2 if it gets up in the 6 i knock it back down to 5.5 sometimes even lower, once time i saw it hit 6.6 and it was due to me not changing the res so i think this could have been when this happen