NV's organic soil mix

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nvthis said:
Roots can't use perlite, OS.. Perlite does nothing but steal root space. If you use a 10 gal pot with a 20% perlite mix, then you might as well be using an 8 gal pot. Hulls do not hinder root growth at all, thus the benefit ;)

NC, nice work, as usual. This has to be one of the easiest soil mix breakdowns I have seen yet.. Very nice..

Thanx. I will get some pics up soon. I already have lots of pics using the recipe on here. But recent ones are always good.

The plants will hit it and be all thrown off. But the recovery happens fairly quick, strain depending, and they shoot off like rockets till the end. I just like it because I have no salt build up, and end up with really lush plants come chop.:icon_smile:
I have lost 4 plants after hitting the bottom half of SS. I have 2 more that may be unable to recover. It just shrivled them up to nothing. I followed the mix and potting instructions EXACTLY.
After the loss, i took everyone out and mixed the SS with %50regular good soil and transplanted everything back into the cut mix. Its some very strong stuff.
mountain man said:
I have lost 4 plants after hitting the bottom half of SS. I have 2 more that may be unable to recover. It just shrivled them up to nothing. I followed the mix and potting instructions EXACTLY.
After the loss, i took everyone out and mixed the SS with %50regular good soil and transplanted everything back into the cut mix. Its some very strong stuff.

Ouch. Sorry to hear MM. I had a similar problem with a batch I cooked last year. I used some early (still had a bit of an ammonia smell when I used it). Almost lost the plants. The ones I planted in it later ran fine.
mountain man said:
I have lost 4 plants after hitting the bottom half of SS. I have 2 more that may be unable to recover. It just shrivled them up to nothing. I followed the mix and potting instructions EXACTLY.
After the loss, i took everyone out and mixed the SS with %50regular good soil and transplanted everything back into the cut mix. Its some very strong stuff.

): hmmm. Don't get why. We're they we'll established plants when they got transplanted? Odd. I just put some new pics up of some young girls. That mix was still hot from cooking since last x-mas. Un-used SS. I re-amended with full recipe minus castings(didn't have them). Couple started to burn up like usual, then once they got established, they have taken off.
that sux mountain man. I can only share my experience with the stuff, but it is just as nc describes... initial shock and then massive explosion.

I've got 5 headband sitting in the mix right now, and although there is always an initial burn they kick out of it rather quickly.

How long did you let it cook?
Cooked for about 3 weeks. I did have the plants well started in smaller pots and then moved them into the bigger ones with the good soil. I left one that seemed to be ok in the hot stuff and it too has the curl starting on it. As i mixed it 50-50, it seems much more tolerable? Could be strain? Not a huge feeder, but still.......??????? Running my Silver Tip, as usual.
hopefully the 50/50 will tone it down for you, you have mad skill, so I'm sure you'll get it sorted soon!
Rosebud said:
Looks like i can get the soybean meal there as well. I don't really want 50 pounds of rice hulls.
I've got 50 lbs. of alfalfa and soybean!!! Stored them in garbage cans.
When I cooked my one plant months ago, I just cut the whole works by 50% and never looked back, I just give them some organic feedings a couple times, with the Earth Juices!! The EJ must be good for the mix because the 2nd grow seems to be doing better than the first, but I'm also growing different strains this grow, the batch I've got brewing now is the same, just cut back on the active ingredients by about 30%, so there's no setback, that's the way I'm rolling right now!!, the girls sure are happy!! and I'm happy too. I know you organic farmers like to say I only use water, and I do!!! IN BETWEEN FEEDINGS.
Well how they looking now Mountain man? Bounced back? I have fried a few ladies, always from seed though. Only couple times. Some phenos just can't handle it. Clones start chewin thru the amendments from day one.
When I cooked my one plant months ago, I just cut the whole works by 50% and never looked back, I just give them some organic feedings a couple times, with the Earth Juices!! The EJ must be good for the mix because the 2nd grow seems to be doing better than the first, but I'm also growing different strains this grow, the batch I've got brewing now is the same, just cut back on the active ingredients by about 30%, so there's no setback, that's the way I'm rolling right now!!, the girls sure are happy!! and I'm happy too. I know you organic farmers like to say I only use water, and I do!!! IN BETWEEN FEEDINGS.

A year or 2 back Jmansweed noted the same thing with EJ and Sub's SS. Was stoned when he added the EJ;) but the results were outstanding and he continued the practice.

good to know! thanx, Wetdog.
i remember that study, and went with the EJ nutes because of that.
and i have augmented my grows when needed with the EJ.
mostly because i couldn't find all of the ingredients in NV's recipe.
A few plants have done well, others, not so much? I will take a few pics and show you some serious distorted girls. I tried to keep a few going to see what they do. A few weeks into flower with almost no leaves on the damaged ones. They still look like they are gonna throw some gnarly bizzare looking bud though? The vegg'in girls with the %50 cut SS look like they have a Potassium deficiency going to me?
Its photo time.....
I just planted 10 more in the SS, I amended this with the Soybean along with the alfalfa, Amended with Humus and other love from Hindrikus, no set-back, just cut-back a mite!! on the hot-stuff, when I dig my fingers through it I'm still findind a couple live alfalfa sprouts, roots, whatever, mostly dead now though, some of this dirt has been fermenting, perking??, for 6 months, plants seem to love it, I added a little bird and bat excretment also,
Stick with Subcool's soil mix. This don't work........ End of thread.
nouvellechef said:
Thats crazy talk.

Operator error.

Sub's mix will also burn if you don't do it right. Any *hot* mix will burn if you don't do it right.

mountain man said:
Stick with Subcool's soil mix. This don't work........ End of thread.

seriously crazy babbling there.............Subcools mix is a joke........i just finished a run with Subs mix.........you need to top feed, the plants die quickly in the end.....no very much trich development....i could go on and on how terrible that mix is......you really dont want to go there!

NC's mix blows all other retail or personal mixes on earth away....sorry, but true!

post some pics of your subcool buds at week 3..........i bet mine are 5x as frosty!!!!!

Subcool is an old school dude, with old school methods, nothing wrong with that, but, its outdated and a crappy mix.....even the 2010 revised one!