Old Fogeys first ever legal grow journal

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Trimmed up like this, with good air flow 4-6 should be the number your shooting to flower, any less and light is being wasted, anymore and you cut back on yield. I think, based on your space those are the numbers I would shoot for. I have a friend that has 9 plants in flower and he rotates them and takes down one a week. There are all kinda things you can do to maximize your space....but you really don't need the excess so your game plan is right on track. I like the way it is going too buddy, you do good work.
Your plants look great and there's a lot to learn! I can't wait to see them get nice and fat.
thanks ketel. so i am thinking that this new led light is making the plants more hungry than i am used to. i am getting what looks like cal mg defeciency as kraven pointed out earlier. i have not checked the ph or the temps down at the soil level so maybe that is causing some nutrient lockout? the nutes i am using are organic (general hydroponics line) and i was under the impression that ph was not as important with organic nutes. i will be feeding watering tomorrow and will check the runoff and the water to see if i am way off on ph...

all in all though, the kraven method is working nicely for me. the buds are developing nicely. i will post some pics later. just had to fix the snowblower and that is about as much energy as i had due to the flu.
Yes sir with organic your feeding the soil and not the plant so pH is not and issue...as long as you have not killed the micro's in the soil, or they have ran out of food. I fell to the dark side so I use chemical nutes so I have to stay in a tight pH range of 5.7 - 6.2. As soon as you can get some pic's up we can see where they are in the grow cycle and see just whats going on. Take care of yourself, the flu is nasty.
I have been putting a little molasses in the water to feed the microbes. Less than I have in past grows. Maybe I need to up the molasses. You were not joking about the plants recovering from the trim. Looks like I didn't even thin them out at all. Should have gone heavier with the trimming. Next time...
Yea even if you hit them hard they sorta bush back up again too...but by then the magic is done and those bushy plants will feed all the sites the light hit while bud set was happening. Looking forward to the pic's...they look good from what i can see...but better pic's about your concern will be posted when you get to it.....once again hate you got the flu.
so the weirdness i see on the leaves seems more prominent when they are under the led. i am thinking it is the uv/black light effect. under a normal cfl, the plants look pretty happy. i am at day 31 of 12/12 lighting. dennis the menace in cat form was hanging out during the watering...

watered them with a about a tablespoon of molasses per gallon of water and i threw in some diamond black(a teaspoon in about 3 gallons of water). diamond black is supposed to 'support beneficial microbial activity and increase micronutrient availability'.

sorry. i screwed up again and held the camera phone vertically so a couple of the pics are rotated...

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At day 31 they are pretty much past the critical need for mg. so my advice is hold the course, they are looking good. What you were seeing is the plant sneaking a little from the fans to support bud set / stretch. Now just make sure the P/K is abundant and available and they should finish fine imho. Looking really good this turn OF. Peace
cool. thanks for looking at the pics. interesting to know that the plants is kind of cannabalizing itself at this point.
Yes sir at the flip I always supplement Mg for 2 weeks, thats when it will steal if from the older fans...looks almost like a Ca def (rust spots) but usually found on lower older fans. It's easy to spot up higher since the newer growth will be lighter between the veins a bit and as it gets worse the plant will borrow some from storage so to speak, a Ca def. looks very similar but all over the plant from top to bottom. You will get good at spotting it just at the flip and 2 weeks after, and it's a quick easy fix...just 1/4 tsp of MGSO4 per /gal for one to two feedings.
Thanks. Kraven has done a lot of coaching here. I am kinda just the labor...
Looking spot on OF, they are looking great. Your doing a fantastic job, me I'm just tagging along and offering my perspective at times. This is all you brother. Peace
i found a stink bug hanging out on one of my plants. grrrrrrr... that is not a good sign at this point in the grow. i was just thinking how it was nice to not have a spider mite issue this time. i had the last couple of grows i think because of some crappy miracle grow 'organic' soil i bought(how bad could it be-really bad). i hope this is a one off but i need to be vigilant from here on out.
thanks y-dog. i appreciate it.
i found a stink bug hanging out on one of my plants. grrrrrrr... that is not a good sign at this point in the grow. i was just thinking how it was nice to not have a spider mite issue this time. i had the last couple of grows i think because of some crappy miracle grow 'organic' soil i bought(how bad could it be-really bad). i hope this is a one off but i need to be vigilant from here on out.

not a one-off o.f. ... stink bugs showed up big about 5 years ago HERE. they nested and had at least a half dozen guards around the nest in one of my biggest "outdoor grow" gals!! sprayed the crap out of them... indoors they sneak thru skylights or any tiny opening you just don't see or can find. if there is a plant around, they will find it!! not many at all in tent but ALWAYS FIND A COUPLE UNDER THE T5S.. they seem to love the cfls the most. they get trapped and cook between the coils in cfl bulbs.. they do no reaL damage indoors. still don't like em.. juveniles are bright green. adults are brown/ gray. never had a juvie indoors.
Not a big fan of the idea of smoking insect eggs or larva either. Gave them plants a once over again tonight. I don't see any eggs.