panama x big sur holyweed

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home straight and Im so looking forward to getting these done



Wow...I bet your excited! What ya got going next? Sugar coated goodness!
Hi Legalize next will be toothless grin which is OT1's smile x Bsh
mama chi gets me way up there now I just want something to put
a big ole stupid grin on my face
this will be the final week, next Saurday is chop day :fid: mixed feelings as Ive
enjoyed growing them so much :farm:

I have an s1 seed project on Happybrother to move into the flower chamber
its just an experiment with CS treatment.

And then it will be Toothless Grin time :D



yeah man! Looks like you aught to be able to make some decent hash with them sugar coated leaves to! Very nice! I'll be watchin for your toothless do they come up these names????
X Big Dave X, you should see what they do when the lights go out :hubba:

legalize_freedom, there will be snow here soon and that's when I like to make
bubblehash ;)
I love the names of this line lol.

the flush is having the desired effect and the large fans are yellowing nicely :)

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yeah man!!! gonna be a white christmas at your place one way or the other...I think that is going to make wonderful bubble!
Hi Legalize it is both ways mate, we got the first snow this week :clap:

Its chop time


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think I got them just about right :hubba:
thanks to all who followed this thread


Look yummy man! Congrats! I'll be watching for the toothless You definately know what your doing! This would be a good grow journal for nebies to look into to see how it is done! Fantastic Job man!
pleased you enjoyed it Legalize, after all that's what posting is all about :aok:
thanks ta2dguy
just filled a couple of jars for when PW who made this cross comes overfor another visit, only seems right he should get to taste them :48:

first was the pink Pheno

budwithfag (Medium).jpg

pinktric (Medium).jpg

thank you kalikisu here is some of the cured bud ready for smoking

What a great thread layed out so well and from start to end perfection.
It caught my eye as I have smoked s good deal of Panama red back in the early 70's so thanks for bringing back some great memories!
