passing a drug test and smoke the day before

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Just got the call from my PO, Failed the test. So i guess the Jello method does not work for me.
I Passed using The Directions Cincy Boy Gave Thanks Homie And It Do Work Using Jello
warreng33142 said:
I Passed using The Directions Cincy Boy Gave Thanks Homie And It Do Work Using Jello

How long did you go not smoking? and was it PO test?
I'm from the south and the sur-gel or cyrto method has always widely been passed around smokers for years and years. Yet recently I had a girl friend (just a friend) needing to pass a test and used the method, and failed. She was an avid smoker. I had used the method once also even a couple years ago and failed as well. It's not a 100% method to pass a drug screening. I wouldn't even give it a 75% score, I would most likely say it's about 50-60% depending on some factors. One factor is if you know a test is coming up 1-2+ weeks just stop smoking and drink 4+ 20oz bottles of water a day. Even then it's not 100% if you've smoked for awhile.
So I read this whole thread. I've got a screening tommorow. I took the take home test twice once yesterday and once the week before. It has been over two weeks since I smoked.

I'm confident that I am pissing below the 50ng/mL, but worried I may still break above the 15ng/mL.

I plan to do the water down method, without the sur-gel. Just wondering at what time should I take those B-complexes so that they show up in my piss? Any ideas.
I don't think they can tell if its diluted as your urine is made up of mostly water as it is. However your best bet is to just completely stop smoking, work out (if you have low body fat), up your fiber intake, drink a decent amount of water, tea, or juice, and if all else fails you can take a page out of my book. Take a gallon and a half of water and sit in a sauna for 5 hours at 1 hour intervals. That is if you have access to one.
b vitamins take a few days to work (from what i hear).. u should start taking them regularly to make you feel better anyway
I passed. And yes, as I had previously stated I had not smoked for 2 weeks.

Turns out the testing company only did the EMIT test first which I knew to be negative.
The Sure-Gel method may work for some on assay type stuff like emit, or the panel tests, but let me tell you, if they are running gc/ms you are completely screwed. The mass spectrometer does not lie and it is like finding a needle in a hay stack. Most companies will not spend that much cash, but if you are going to take a test for a government job, beware. Just stop smoking for awhile.
Besides prayer, what do you think can help me out here...

I'm a 6'1'' 210 lbs. male who smokes a **** ton. I smoke about three blunts a day, normally between about 3 guys. I've been smoking this much for about the past 7 months. I do play a lot of basketball though, so that should help me out I guess, lol.

I smoked two blunts today already, and then I found out I have to take a drug test tomorrow. I can take it as last as 4:50, so that's my plan.

Right now I have a Purified Instant Acting Complete Body Cleanser drink, and a few packs of Sure-Jell. This is my plan, and tell me if I need to add anything to it (like more water).

Tonight, drink the Purified Drink. I'm not sold on these, but since I have it I figured I might as well use it the night before. I'll drink a ton of water after it before I go to bed and piss a few times.

In the morning I'll piss and drink a lot of water all day. Around 2:30, I'm going to drink 20 oz. of water mixed with 3.5 oz. of Sure-Jell. Then I'm going to eat something greasy. After that, I'm going to piss. Following that, I'm going to drink another 20 oz., but I'm going to throw in a little esterfied creatine....

Then it's test time.

Tell me what you guys think.
Weed man, I hope you came out fine bro. I have been in your place before, and it's nerve wracking, to say the least. I am 5'10'' with slightly overweight build, and I will tell you what has always worked for me in the past. GNC carries what is called Cleansing Formula. It is about $23. If you know you've got a test coming, take 3-4 every time you eat, drink green tea and plenty of water, and you will be clean in a week, I promise. If it works for a big guy like me, I know it will work for most people. Sure gel method is good in a pinch. I am the biggest pot head you've ever seen. I've smoked almost daily for the past 2-3 years, and I'm being modest. Been a pot head most of my life :)
can you buy any jel instead or sur-gel that might work? cuz i cant find any here in asia, i'll have to ride a bus to possibly be alble to buy something like that.... anyway, pls reply... asap...
i tried this method awhile back and failed. because of this, i violated probation and went jail because of it. apparently this method is not for everyone.
btw, weedman, i always pass when i use the detox drinks. i heard that they don't help if you're over 180lbs though.
can u use any other kind of jel? instead of sur-gel? need help! please!!!
no way dose this really work no joke i have a test comin up in the middle of june i could use this but im not so sure any other people had sucess with this??
i have a probation drug test at 3:30, just drank the sur-gel about 20 minutes ago. i gots my fingers crossed, cincy boy i'm totally trusting you on this. if i fail i'll go to jail! i'll post the results after 4:00. wish me good luck everyone! :)