People from IL Please Read!!!!

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I smell SMOKE!!!!!
Nov 6, 2006
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We all been waiting on the time that we can use marijuana for our pains. And our state is hesitant to help there people live comfortable. 11 other states have approved the use of this plant. In 2006, a study by the UCLA found Ca has saved $2.50 for every dollar invested into the Proposition 36 program that decriminalized marijuana. In the first year the proposition was enacted (2001), California reportedly saved $173 million, which may be beacuse of the fewer amount of drug offenders in prision; in the five years after the program was enacted, 8,700 fewer people are in prison for a drug offenses. Thats tax money that this state can be saveing also.

Urge Your Legislators to Support Medical Marijuana in Illinois
Support Senate Bill 650!
Thanks for the heads up didn't even realize that this was even up for debate in Illinois.

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