PH during flush

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some people will even tell you that a plant can dump stuff back into the water,am not too sure on this one but some pro's would go blue in the face if you told them that its untrue

i have been told this by 2 people on 2 diffent forum that grow the biggest buds you will ever see in your life and they are both very well repected on them forums

they tell me this is why they change there flush water every 2-3 days,because the plant puts stuff back into the water,as i say i dont know how true this is so i would not bank my money on it

has anybody ealse ever read anything about this sort of thing before,plant putting stuff back into the nutes tank ?
v35b said:
Is there any need to test the ph while you flush with well water?

definitely yes,after reading over the net for you for the last hour i have read over and over again about rapid Ph changes in well water.well water can be as low as PH 4.0 up to PH 8.0 and can change very quickly.

so yes you must check you well water every time you wont to use it.
biggerbuds said:
some people will even tell you that a plant can dump stuff back into the water,am not too sure on this one but some pro's would go blue in the face if you told them that its untrue

i have been told this by 2 people on 2 diffent forum that grow the biggest buds you will ever see in your life and they are both very well repected on them forums

they tell me this is why they change there flush water every 2-3 days,because the plant puts stuff back into the water,as i say i dont know how true this is so i would not bank my money on it

has anybody ealse ever read anything about this sort of thing before,plant putting stuff back into the nutes tank ?

As I understand it, as the plants use nutes they can leave behind certain nutes that are too abundant, this can cause nutrient imbalance.

Flushing can extract the excess nutes from the root zone.
perhaps this is what they speak of?

As for growing the biggest indoor buds you will ever see in your life....
Ive done that. :D
biggerbuds said:
its really best not to feed an already overfeed plant because what the hell is it going to do with even more nutes if it already has far to much stored up already

That is why I do not pH when/if I flush. My understanding is pH helps with the uptake of nutes, so when you pH your water it is still absorbing the excess nutes that you are trying to flush away.

And like Growdude said stick around and you will see some major buddage right here on our forum.
the tiny little bit of phosphorus in the PH down that you use will have no effect what so ever mate,i promiss you that.if you do then i will eat my hat
I think he is referring to the excess nutes that will be on the roots not the phosphorus in the Ph down.
If the PH is not set correctly then the plant blocks up the nute uptake and the excess is washed away.
Jericho said:
I think he is referring to the excess nutes that will be on the roots not the phosphorus in the Ph down.
If the PH is not set correctly then the plant blocks up the nute uptake and the excess is washed away.

Thats right Jericho, but some will not:ignore:
BB you need to calm down dude. Go smoke some of that fine bud you keep bragging about.
biggerbuds said:



If you feed and do not ph the water then you are less likely to feed the plant as the off ph will cause a nute lock of the roots. This is what is trying to be explained to you. If you read instead of going off on everyone.
Jericho said:
If you feed and do not ph the water then you are less likely to feed the plant as the off ph will cause a nute lock of the roots. This is what is trying to be explained to you. If you read instead of going off on everyone.

Right again Jericho:D
yes and you also mess the plant right up by doing it this way,but i am not hitting home at all am i,
btw it looks like i am not going to get anywhere on this forum anyhow,i just got a nice pm to tell me that you are all very hard to win over and that you will all stick to gether as a family and gang up,so really i dont need this sort of bullcrap in my life anyway

canna nation forum was the same,maybe it just an over water sea thing,your growing style over there seems to be 10 years behind us for some reson too
Well that would depend on how big the swing is. If you was going to go from 5.8 lets say to 8 then yes maybe. But such a drastic swing is not needed to block nutes. All you need is a swing of about .3 to avoid most nutes.
Ever think that considering 2 forums dont agree with you that the problem may be with your self and not others on the forum.

We are simply explaining a fact. A swing of .4 is not going to cause devastating problems for a plant during a flush.

If I am not mistaken, I believe THG at one time, do to an error somewhere, had a major pH swing(5.8 to 4.?) for a few days before she realized it and the plants recovered. I think she said they were hungry.
biggerbuds said:
i give up with ya,you 2 are far to thick for me,KEEP AWAY
btw i have got to say you talk some **** belive me duck,its plain as day you are picking at me,so why dont you just **** off away from me if thats all your going to be doing to me.

you sound like you need growing lessons big time rubber duck

now get the **** out of my hair you little prick
do what you like you little grass,people like that would get shot in the head where i come from for even thinking about stuff like that,just proves to me and everyone ealse what sort of person you really are,i dont know,there is really no hope for ya is there

must mean that I am the BIG prick??..:p
only small and immature minds resort to name calling and threats, when confronted with opposing views. It is NOT tolerated here.
as i have already said you may have got away with ya PH swing with the strains that you have grown out so far but you keep doing the same and one day you will come unstuck and you will be eating your own words for sure,i just know it lol

HICK if you are going to ban me please just get it over with,or are you just going to join in and kick me when i am down ? are you going to go that low or what ?
I just ran a search in 3 grow guides and google to try and find some proof to back this information and cannot find it. Hardly any mentions of ph shock being an issue unless the swing is drastic. Unless you can show me this then im sorry but yes i will stick to my way of thinking.
i am not about to do anything ealse to help you out jericho,so if your eyes are that bad & cannot find any info on the subject from the whole net then you are stuck to growing your way,good luck
biggerbuds said:
as i have already said you may have got away with ya PH swing with the strains that you have grown out so far but you keep doing the same and one day you will come unstuck and you will be eating your own words for sure,i just know it lol

HICK if you are going to ban me please just get it over with,or are you just going to join in and kick me when i am down ? are you going to go that low or what ?

It is "YOU" that is "going low" with the name calling and 'threats'. I've done nothing but direct you to the rules that "you" agreed to abide by on registration.
Your fate is entirely in "your" hands my friend...;)
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