Plants randomly falling over? Spots?

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May 14, 2008
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i checked on my plants earlier and my two furthest along (besides a northern lights plant i got from a friend which is already flowering) had fallen over on their sides and the leaves were turned almost 180* facing the light. What could have caused this? Also, One of them has a couple spots on the leaves. They are pretty small and are brown around the outer edge and a paler color in the center of the spot.

When i got the northern lights plant a lot of it was yellow, it started changing back to green a few days ago and is doing awesome.

Any help or ideas is greatly appreciated.. thanks!
Well how far are you into flowering. If they are falling over from the weight of the buds that is ok. Just prop her up with somthing.
the northern lights is the only one flowering. its probably 2 weeks into it, but that one is fine.

the ones i started are almost 3 weeks old.... 2 weeks from now ill start there flowering cycle. They are the ones falling over
i dont have a pH meter. lol.
ill have pics of them up within the next couple days hopefully
We need some pictures to help you out further. Are the stems weak and thin? Do you have a fan blowing on the plants? If not, I suggest the fan. I guess just stake the plants and they will be fine. Some pics would definitely help us to diagnose your problem correctly. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe.
i dont have a pH meter.

Then at least get some PH strips from the aquarium section at wal-mart. Gotta know what your PH is. Ussually the first thing I check when theres a problem ;)
Shouldn't everyone have a PH meter? I always check the PH level of the water befor feeding my plants.
put a fan in the growspace, research the supercropping link in my sig and get a ph meter and some domomite lime (powdered)
and you need to check the runoff of the container to know whats going on in the rootzone.