please help plant got broken at top in 3 places!!

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Apr 24, 2008
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Please someone help.plant has been on 24 lite indoor veg fof 4 months...friend nocked plate over and broke it at top at two different nodes and what would be cola and 1 more node down!!!!!!!!!!!What do I do? I need all damage control options asap!!!!!!! Thank you Ist time ever joining a forum
Hi there. First of all, welcome to MP. It's good to have you here. This is a great place to learn/share your knowledge of growing mj like a pro. It's also filled with members that are more than willing to help you out. I hope to see you around the forums sometime in the future.

First, are they in dirt or hydro? What kind of lighting do you have? Four months of veg is a LOOOONNNGGGG time. How big is the plant? With 4 months of veg, the plant must be HUGE! Did it break completely off or is it still hanging on? Do you have any pictures? I would say just leave it alone and it will either survive or die. If it dies, more tops will sprout in a week or two to replace it. Search around on the search engine provided at this site for topping. Hope this helps. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe.
hi sorry im so desperat, they're in dirt lighting 2foot 2bulb indoor grow lites plant is about 3ft tall lots of veg it's still hanging on and mostly attached put tape around everything is drooping it's the cola section don't know if I should cut it off...will it survive what do i do!????!!! So sad crying right now also its broken twice and a third time where fan leaf is thaank you for your time
I will most likely be just fine. Just keep an eye on it and keep us posted. I'm almost certain it will be fine. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe.
so I should keep it taped and 1 break is more severe than others should I cut anything off of my plant? the broken fan leaf even? replant the top? Cut it at the next node down broke at two nodes do I keep it taped and watch it if I starts dying cut it..then would I have to veg it longer?? thank you for helping soooooo much!!!!!!!
Any answer? sorry im new to all of this I don't even know what threads are..i'll read up on how to conduct myself in forums if you can tell me that a snapped stem that is still attached can rejuvinate it self with a piece of tape? the whole top is falling....I desperatly need help......Please I'm about to take scissors to a beautiful plant!!I can get you a pic if you need it please
You can cut up to half your plant off if u had too. So if u have to cut a foot off your plant, your plant will still survive. Remember that your plant will double and even triple in size when flowering, so lets hope u planned for that. She could be 9' tall after it is all said and done. And stop paniccing, it's not like it's your first born or anything!
4 MONTHS VEG!!! That plant must be huge,lol. I would start flowering TODAY.

Also, im not sure about tape. I ussaly use fishing wire and prop the plant back into its upright position by tying it to something nearby.
IMO, I would stay away from adhesive tape to hold your plants together. My advice would be to use cloth strips sheered from old bed sheets. This will support the branches and still allow growth. Find that happy medium of not to tight not to loose. :watchplant:----keep growing
Crazy Horse said:
I would chop the sucker off haha!
i agree, get rid of damaged part with clean cuts and let it recover. after 4mo of veg its gotta be big enough to take some chopin. JMO
too bAD to hear that first i will chop your friend head off then after that take the part that is broken and start some clones so at lease not everything is not a waste of time is hard to see all your time and work get fu$&up but y ou wont feel as bad as loosing everything good luck and remember only is the best juge on what to do

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