Preflower Jitters..

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Jan 25, 2012
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Hey everyone, It's been awhile since my last post. In other words, I've havnt been having any problems with my grow. I've vegged my plants for a little over a month. I've started flowering less then a week ago. I'm still waiting to find out the sex of the plant. This is my first grow. I know all too well that males have clusters of balls and females have the two hairs and all. But the early preflowering on my plants show neither yet. I know all i have to do is wait they will tell me for sure what sex they are, but since i'm waiting i figured i'd post some pics. I could only get one close up picture of the preflower cause i'm just using my cell phone to take the pictures.


They look pretty healthy...maybe a lil N hungry but that is normal after flipping them. Hard to tell from your pics but do they hve alternating nodes yet? If so they shld show sex soon....if not it cld be a bit and flipping too early IMO promotes stretch.
I've got hairs! The one on the right showed them just a minute ago. Both plants have alternating nodes. That's when I decided to flower. I'm so excited. I'm a little worried though. I put them into flowering but almost directly after something came up and after like three days they went back
to constant light for like a week then back. to 12/12. There no pre flowers till after a couple days of being back to 12/12. Is there a chance they won't be hermies? Or is it pretty much certain to happen
What's done is done. Probably not going to hermie. You just have to stop flipping them back and forth and see what happens. They should be ok I'm thinking. :)
If conditions are okay now you should be fine. Unless you started with bagseed, I wouldn't be too worried about hermies.