Prunning 4 production & Food dehydrators

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May 6, 2009
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Greetings to all. I've read thru the 'Growing Marijuana' guide, but see nowhere where anyone talks about prunning pot plants to enhance production, etc. I assume it's too late for my girls @ this point, as they are half way thru their bloom cycle. But would appreciate any suggestions re prunning. Also, I'm wondering about using a food dehydrator to dry my buds when their ready. Anyone have experience in this area? Thanks to any responses.
You should'nt remove any of the leaves if that is what you are refering to.
I've cut off a few because they were diseased.
I have heard of pruning a few upper fan leaves-only a few-so that more light gets to the bottom, but I've never done it.
It's also called "topping", but that is usually done during beg stage to reduce space(or train the plant)and aquire clones.
We've got plenty of threads on topping and LST.
hope this helps.
HippyInEngland said:
Wow hie... not sure what info that was suppose to link to, but looked like a 12 page 'goose chase' to me..;)

I think it's been proven, that "pruning" has little effect on overall yeilds. LST "can" increase it 'slightly', by allowing more of the canopy to be closer to the light source "indoors". But yeild is going to be 'most' effected by veg time and plant size. Pruning and trimming are not an effective means..IMO.

I've used dehydrators for "quick" drying samples a few times. It works, but is not as good as slow drying, which allows for disipation of chlorophyls ect.
Wow hie... not sure what info that was suppose to link to, but looked like a 12 page 'goose chase' to me..

page 7 post #125. the link brought me to the page and i noticed his bit wit the dehydrator on it

i too used a dehydrator but i noticed before when doin small amounts to try it out that it didnt go well for me. maybe cuz i got only one setting on mine. on and off. no temp control. and i put my cooking thermometer in it and it got to almost 160 deg F
and im assumin thats lil bit on the warm side for drying without losing anythin off it. but maybe there other models wit diff temp settings on em...?

but i thought bout just openin mine up and disconnecting the heating element and just use it as a mini drying rack in a dark room or somethin maybe.
dont know if you know but if you wanna ref a particular post in a long thread or page. just clik the number in the right top corner and it'll open that individual post in seperate window. and thats wat i usually do. then post that link
ahhh... yep hie.. "125" would have helped! :D
I also personally do not care for the dehydrator method of drying. I recommend the slow method for most of the crop and the dehydrator for a quick bud to smoke. Just my opinion.
Hick, it is getting harder and harder to look at your avatar......hum.....I mean my eyes are beggining to hurt. I bet you are sexy in the buff tho.....with or without the speedo...

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