Pup's new grow journal

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Excellent :aok:

Can't wait to see how this turns out for you HP
14oz and a big chunk of hash is a huge yield from a little cab grow, I hope I getthat much, I should start making hash, can't wait to see the new ladies in full swing, good luck man

Something I'm thinking... now-a-days I remove a LOT of fan leaves. Well, after getting in the training methods I have been lately, I see a good amount of large fan leaves that don't need to be there, good friend. :) You remove more than you think you should for the large ones, and the next day your plants thank you like you've never seen before! Basically, I expose most all nodes now-a-days... as I HAVE to with LED's. I'm wondering what type of results you'd get if you defoliate like I do with LED's but with the HPS setup. I'll be finding out this winter, because instead of 1500+w's of heaters up in my room, I'm running two of my 600w hood in another 5x5 tent and exhausting into the room. So I'll be experimenting with a pretty nifty HPS setup again hah :)

Rock on HP, those are some super healthy looking plants! And you know what? It's about damn TIME you had something healthy going on. (me too lol)
Thanks man, I have been watching your grows. I can see that you have come a long way since I first saw your grows. I thought about doing some defoliating later into the flower phase. I hate to remove anything when they are vegging and at the first part of flower building as I feel like those leaves are important in the early going of flower building, but I am open to trying new things.

I am enjoying my little grow. It gives me good smoke that is very appreciated by all who get to partake, and it gives me the spiritual satisfaction of growing and caring for my plants. :)
Leaves are important, if the plant didn't need them it wouldn't expend the energy to grow them. Plants are hardy and can take a lot of punishment but I think cutting the leaves off is detrimental to growth. Just myopinion. Love the grow though dude they look green and healthy. MOJO.
I hate to remove anything when they are vegging and at the first part of flower building as I feel like those leaves are important in the early going of flower building, but I am open to trying new things.

My plants respond immediately (the next day) when I remove fan leaves. The nodes shoot RIGHT up and everything really takes over and reaches. I go at them like a weed wacker during veg and the first good week of flowering.. after a bit past a week of flowering I generally slow down with cutting things. With LED's you can't have nodes covered with those big fan leaves... it's detrimental IMO. At least with my cheaper LED's! :)

Whatever happens for you, I just hope it's HEALTHY! We can all use a little relief from this years growing! :D
Leaves are important, if the plant didn't need them it wouldn't expend the energy to grow them. Plants are hardy and can take a lot of punishment but I think cutting the leaves off is detrimental to growth. Just myopinion. Love the grow though dude they look green and healthy. MOJO.

Keep in mind that this is one clever plant. I think they grow those luscious fan leaves for the deer and vermin...... if you're indoors, you don't need them :)
Especially leaves that are attached to main stem and are JUST below where a node is... useless.

Ohhhh time to get some flack! ahahaha :) :D
Keep in mind that this is one clever plant. I think they grow those luscious fan leaves for the deer and vermin...... if you're indoors, you don't need them :)

Those would be some chilled deer, imagine them trying to run
Thanks Guys :) You know I have seen before when My Bro was growing that he would cull the lower leaves as the branches came out and it seemed like it made them bushier if I remember correctly. I will try it one of the 2 Blue Dream plants and leave the other one to how I normally do and see which does what. Hey a new experiment. I haven't done one of these in a while. :D
Ok guys; I went in this morning and defoliated one of my 2 Blue dream plants. I left the other BD and the Sweet tooth beside it undefoliated. I keep bending and spreading the branches out. We will be able to compare the results. This test will not be a perfectly scientific test as the defoliated plant is in a space that is about 40% bigger space than the other one. But I think it will be enough to be able to extrapolate some decent findings 11wks from now (9wks flower and 2wks dry and partial cure before weighing) :)

View attachment BD906 defoliate.jpg

View attachment BDST906 nondefoliate.jpg
So it has been a week since I began the defoliation test. The plants are doing quite well and growing rapidly. I have taken leaves 3x now on the one Blue Dream and I can certainly tell that that the bud sites are increasing as I have been having to do a lot of tucking. Unfortunately, I was unable to get in to see them all weekend so many of the shoots have grown too high to tuck, but they are beginning their second week of flower so I am hoping that all the stretch now is just bud stretch. :)
The first pic is the defoliated Blue dream. The second pic is the nondefoliated BD on the left and ST on the right

View attachment BD914 defoliate.jpg

View attachment BDST914 nodefoliate.jpg
It looks like the difference is night and day :)
Everything's looking really good HP!
So I went away for a long weekend and left the girls to do their own thing. I came back to find them happily growing and unfortunately stretching like crazy(but that's expected). You can barely tell any difference in the 2 Blue Dream plants that are being compared. The one that was defoliated 3x has grown back so many leaves that the only way to tell any difference is that the non-defoliated plant has more larger fan leaves. I just hope the stretch stops real soon as I am quickly running out of ceiling clearance.

View attachment BBOGSW922.jpg

View attachment BBOG922.jpg
The one that was defoliated 3x has grown back so many leaves that the only way to tell any difference is that the non-defoliated plant has more larger fan leaves.

I defoliate constantly up till about 2nd week of flowering.. but yes, they grow quite vigorously!

Your stuff is lookin' great HP! :aok:
Thanks, Yeah they are finishing up their second week of flower right now. I just flushed them and changed over their nutrients to bloom. I really started the defoliation a little late or I suspect I would have more budsites right now. :)