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Why are people who grow for profit on this site in the first place?

You !@#$!@#$@ would like to get dealt with should i come across you,
dont come on this asking for help, then talk about selling the isht, you make me sick to my effing stomach.

weed is free, need money, get a job you lowlife, yeah, im talking to all you chumps that grow to sell, i wish i could meet each and every one of you.

compensation for being a caregiver is one thing, or even selling legitimately through a dispensary, but promoting violence by selling (even tho you dont see it) makes you an ignorant effing drug dealer, screw off, and leave this site to those who really need it, chumps.

mods, im sure you will close this pretty quick, as all the pushers are going to defend thereselves, i dont care, screw em all, and thanks for making my life hell you idiots. And showing me why i need to grow my own.
Get off ur pedestal homie. I dont sell.FYI. Dont know where your from but that a necessary part of life here in the US.
7thG said:
Get off ur pedestal homie. I dont sell.FYI. Dont know where your from but that a necessary part of life here in the US.

necessary? are you kidding me? yeah, and socialism works in theory my friend.

if you dont grow to sell, then your on my side, and you negate your own statement.

ps, im not your "homie"

advocates for selling, you make me laugh, and i pity you for thinking that growing for profit is ok, your the reason the dea doesnt want it legal, and the reason i grow in hiding to make my life easier.
7thG said:
Dont know where your from but that a necessary part of life here in the US.
It costs me $200 to grow a pound of cured, kickazz weed.

You're right. Selling is necessary to supply all those folks with weed that can't grow it themselves.

I sell it to quite a few of my friends at $5 per/quarter ounce.

That covers my growing costs, baggies and gas when I take them some.

It doesn't take advantage of people by JACKING the price to the same thing that the DRUG CARTELS charge for it.

If you act like the drug cartels, price weed like the drug cartels, protect your weed with guns and violence or sell it to those who do, then there really isn't any difference between you and the drug cartels.

I'm not saying this to your personally, 7thG. I'm saying it to all the people who JBonez is talking to.

Grow to help your friends and yourself avoid the Drug Cartels. If you sell to your friends, do so at YOUR costs. Your REAL costs. Don't add the usual excuse "I take all the risks, so I add another $50 per/quarter to my price to off-set those risks".


If you do that, you'll be loved by your buyers and actually be helping people.

Keep your real job to live off.
like i said potus, seaking compensation for your troubles perfectly fine, i just gave away about 14 ounces of my last harvest, sure some of my buddies threw me some cash, i made 72.00 bucks for my trouble, that doesnt even cover my nutes, but i dont care, i liked seeing the smile on their faces when i gave it to my friends and family. Knowing that i will not have to worry about getting robbed by consorting with undesirables that affiliate with violence to get ahead.
Well I can only speak for myself when I say growing is a FELONY. All though we all know thats wrong, it is what it is. Not everyone that smokes whats to take that risk. What should they do.....quit? Most, would rather take the risk with a misdameanor.
So I would personally like to thank all the Growers Of America for personal or profit.
Hey JBonez, I figure everyone can afford $5 for a quarter of world class weed. I break even and always have the good stuff myself.

I like your attitude!
7thG said:
Well I can only speak for myself when I say growing is a FELONY. All though we all know thats wrong, it is what it is. Not everyone that smokes whats to take that risk. What should they do.....quit? Most, would rather take the risk with a misdameanor.
So I would personally like to thank all the Growers Of America for personal or profit.

great point, i never said anything about buying, sure, buyers ultimately contribute, but im talking specifically about some comments ive seen on this site referring to growing.

Thats not the point of this site.

I use to contribute to dealers, then i got robbed, out of necessity and safety i choose to grow, sure i know guys that sell, but they know where i stand, and get mad when i give away weed, you bring up a valid point, but its not relevant to the op.
so "seeking compensation for your troubles" is different from selling for money?

if no one sold to make money, weed would be pretty hard to find in most of the US

and if people werent buying from random dealers, no one would grow weed to sell. so everyone who smokes weed causes there to be dealers. wake up dude!

maybe im mistaken, but this site is for anyone who wants to learn about growing no matter what they do with the weed they grow
greenfriend said:
so "seeking compensation for your troubles" is different from selling for money?

if no one sold to make money, weed would be pretty hard to find in most of the US

and if people werent buying from random dealers, no one would grow weed to sell. so everyone who smokes weed causes there to be dealers. wake up dude!

maybe im mistaken, but this site is for anyone who wants to learn about growing no matter what they do with the weed they grow

excuse me Mr. Moore, are you kidding me, receiving minimalistic compensation is not selling for profit.

You say weed would be hard to find if no one sold it, sure it would be harder, but are you up to current events with whats going on with the mexican cartels right now? maybe not, but this is exactly why selling goes hand in hand with violence.

Listen, dont nuke it, your gonna hurt your brain, compensation is essentially saying, hey, gimme a few bucks and i will give you more weed than you know what to do with. Of course, this wouldnt take place outside of family and close friends, keep your liberal ** to yourself, putting words in other peoples mouths is inherent and idicitaive of a certain personality flaws in subjects id otherwise like not to consort with.

as stated, $72.00 and 14oz isnt what i would call dealing, but go ahead with your rebuttle, i love how you guys justify ignorance, no really, keep typing.
essentially you just associated my op with the reciprocal in your post, if you wanted to know why i said you put words in my mouth.

Coming from an AGRICULTURAL perspective (Family buisiness was a bi-coastal culinary herb farm) Marijuana does have a excessive profit margin, but not by much. Unless you have a farm and are buying your nutes @ wholesale, or make your own you are a slave to weather, power and man.

Also as I have stated before it's a TON of work, no time for a full time job here, plus I am a little sick of being a WAGE SLAVE.

So you go ahead and keep your job, and I hill HAPPILY keep mine.

effen gee, first off, thanks for your service, im in the same boat as you, (actually i just got out last year, and literally, off a boat) Im curious? Do you grow legally? Or, do you just grow to make a buck because your disabled?

could you clear that up for me?
as for the hypocritical manipulation of my post, i would happily use violence to counter true violence, i would never harm a soul, but bring that crap around my family and it will be a bad day for you, so call it what you will.

you may not be violent, but your at the top of the pillar on that one, do you know your customers, each and every one? didnt think so.
Could not of said it better Gee. This threads over.
7thG said:
Could not of said it better Gee. This threads over.

you wont get out that easy, lol, over? because one person narrowly agrees with you, hmm....
i dunno m8.. not everyone has a friend as generous as you or potus. i know when i'm dry, i'm pretty happy someone chose to sell me some ;)
people who don't grow need somewhere to buy it.

i'm against the huge warehouse organize crime funded grows, sure. and i hate when people get greedy and jack prices up. but it doesn't bother me if someone is selling some of their homegrow.
besides, the ones setting up big personal warehouses.. well they're foolish, and their greed will surely get them busted.

it is sad that violence and greed follow a herb that really is everything against those. (not good with words, but you know what i mean.)

may i ask what spurred this rant though? something go down recently close to you?
I mean I see where ur TRYING to come from with this argument. But, its filled with contradictions and fiction. I mean u "seek compensation for ur troubles" lol come on man
It's OK to buy, but not sell or grow to sell? "I would happily use violence to counter true violence......i would never harm a soul" ??lol

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