questions on bud butter

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LdyLunatic said:
1lb. butter (salted)
1 and1/2 to 2 oz. of shake (I used my trimmings)
a few rocks

Put the weed into the cheesecloth along with some larger stones (to weigh down) and tie off end.
Put in a large pot and fill about 2/3's with water.
Start to boil, making sure the stocking is weighted down enough not to float.
Add butter.
Keep at a slow simmering boil for at least 5 hours.....stirring a few times
This will REALLY stink up your place.....(gagging material)

Let cool....Wring out the cheesecloth...then put the pot in fridge for at least 12 hrs.
When the butter forms a hard crust on the water, take off and either strain or squeeze the water out.
You will end up with about 1and1/2 cups of kick-*** butter for baking.....and no grit in your teeth.

Hope this helps you :)

hahaha Genius!!! We just threw all the shake in without anything to hold it, but that idea with the cheese cloth bag, thats great, things are going to be way easier next time!

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