Quick Q?

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Learning the trade
Oct 29, 2007
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Ok a friend of mind came over and seen some leaves that had some spots and yellowing. So he goes and starts pinching them off. I was like WTH? But he said since there were these smaller branches coming out right above them. That doing this will make these smaller branches grow faster and that = more bud spots. Is this OK or did he just cause all my babies allot of useless stress?
Thx in advance.
hey, glad u asked!!, when it get yellow, its dead, no good, terrbile, so get it off and keep the green colors even green leaves, if just yellowing, just rubbing with ur 2 fingers on the yellowing, it will get off, i had agrue about clipping, if we do more clipping, will make plants small, but u want small buds? just remove all these yellowing, and you are fine, no clipping!! no no!
no clippings means more buds to play and smoke!
keep in your mind, when it get to veg stage, etc, u will see buds growing from the top, the buds from the bottom will grow later!!! patience!! and its worth it we all wont see buds from the bottom, it starts from the top after detect male or female, prefered female, not much buds on males
I have no idea what ^^^ thats on but I want some, leaves are a plants message to you, never take them off, from a leaf we can read its needs, what its lacking, what were giving too much of, if root bound etc etc, DO NOT TAKE LEAVES OFF.
Well see they were still somewhat green. Just allot of yellowing in spots. Thx for the comments tho. I will probably in the future just wait till they fall of there self.
Your plants should not have yellow anywhere, were here to help if your ready to help yourself :)

Describe everything you did from day 1 when you germed your seed and your grow set up.
Well i started them jun 1. There growing in a 10 gallon tree pot. For a month and a half I gave them nothing but water. I'm currently giving them a small amount of Fish Emulsion 5-1-1. Every other watering. All the yellowing if coming from the bottom up. There in direct sunlight and in the morning i notice allot of water residue on them. Could they be hot spots? I'm pretty sure im not over feeding them. I feel i could give them more.
Your not feeding them enough, you need even numbers, 5-5-5 or 13-12-12 or 20-20-20, you need same numbers or as even as you can find them.

1/4 strength and because your using such big pots you need to wait for the water/feed to sink below root depth so you dont drown the roots, they need to breathe, so let your plants droop, that way you know they are thirsty, dont worry, weed is used to arrid dry conditions and can last a very long time with no water, you should have started in half gallon pots then progressively moved up pot sizes.
It is also natural for the bottom leaves to yellow and fall off on their own during the course of the plants life. Never ever ever ever.... trim the leaves off your plant.

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