Rdrose's SpeedQueen/WW indoor grow....let's see how this goes!

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Here are the WW pics:

1-14" WW
3- smallest WW LST
4 - 6 - More WW Lst close ups

This camera takes great pics...much better than the camera phone!! :D

11 WW 14 inches.jpg

12 WW LST tub 2.jpg

13 smaller WW LST.jpg

14 WW tub lst.jpg

15 WW moreLst.jpg

16 WW closeupLst.jpg
Hey Rdrose!

Looking very good! Your babies are very healthy and loving your HPS light. Nice and green and healthy.

I wouldn't do any thinning right now, as when you cull your males, you'll have more room in there. We'll take a look at your canopy situation in the near future.........If it's OK with you.

Check out your close up SQ node shot - are those little male pods beginning to form? Keep your eye on them. You should be able to tell for sure in 2 more days.

I noticed you have your hygrothermometer sitting in the dirt. I would get a small peice of wood, and lay it across one of your planting pots, and sit it on there. Your RH is falsely influenced by the humidity in the soil, and it may cause the electronics inside to fail.

Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see some buds. I think I'm really going to like your Speed Queens.

Hi PB, always appreciate your advice and comments on my grow...the babes do seem to be enjoying their 'digs'...:D

I am going to be making some adjustments in the grow room today, though... after stressing over the heat issue earlier and getting the extra inline fan for exhaust, etc, the temps are now getting too cold in the grow room at night...60*-65*F. And as winter progresses, it will surely get colder. :eek:

I'm going to take the small air intake fan out and cover the hole...... And get my hygrothermometer out of the soil...;) Thanks for that tip!!

Check out your close up SQ node shot - are those little male pods beginning to form? Keep your eye on them. You should be able to tell for sure in 2 more days.

I think you're right about the male 'pods' ...I wondered about that, too, after I downloaded the pic from the camera...

I wouldn't do any thinning right now, as when you cull your males, you'll have more room in there. We'll take a look at your canopy situation in the near future.

I wasn't factoring in having more room after the males reveal themselves... :rolleyes: we'll take a look at the canopy situation, as needed, later.

Have a great Day!!!
I surely hope I am wrong and it is just too early to tell for sure, but when I was in my grow room with my magnifying glass a few minutes ago, it seemed to me that ALL 4 of my SQ's look like males!! :cry:

Geesh...I sure do hope I am wrong about this and that when I check again in a day or two, at least ONE will have turned out to be a female!!! :(

The WW's at this point are 2 females for sure, 1 male for sure, and 1 can't tell yet... which is good, BUT...I was looking forward to a different kind of smoke from the SQ's... I'M REALLY BUMMED!!!!!!!!!!!
Rdrose said:
ALL 4 of my SQ's look like males!! :cry:

The WW's at this point are 2 females for sure,

Oh no about the males.:eek: Give it one or two days to be sure. So you did find some pistils, though? Alright!

The next four SQ's you germ should all be females. At least in theory. :cool:

If you start new SQ seeds, where are you going to veg? Or would you veg at all? 12/12 from seed sounds like an interesting way to catch up and keep up. Maybe make some SQ seeds for the next grow if you don't want to keep a mother for clones. You are going to have plenty of smoke from your WW fems you have now........:cool:

Just tossing out some crazy ideas. Keep us posted.

I've been thinking a lot about the possibilities...I could let the males grow and make hash with them...I'm keeping my hopes up though that I am mistaken....that maybe...just maybe... one of them is a female...

I suppose I could germ the rest and do a 12/12 from seed...I'd have to do the math...putting the house on the market in February/March...need to be finished with the grow by then...
Rdrose said:
I could let the males grow and make hash with them.

I suppose I could germ the rest and do a 12/12 from seed...I'd have to do the math...putting the house on the market in February/March...need to be finished with the grow by then...

Most would tell ya to toss the males. Sounds like you'll just have to stick with whatcha got.

sorry to hear about them males rose they all looked so helthy to its a shame nothin u can do about it tho its just part of the game i guess it stinks but hopefully like u said mabey their is a female in their somewhere hope everything works out for u ,,happy growin
One of the SQ girls showed me a pistil today!!! :woohoo:

I'm so jazzed...one is good enough for me...gotta run, just wanted to share that really quick before I go to the gym!!
Thanks AlienBait! I'm pretty jazzed!!

I've spent the last two days looking at my SQ plants with the magnifying glass and comparing them to the WW plants. That's when I started to realize that the flowers for each strain are slightly different...I'm still not sure whether I will have any more SQ females, just have to wait and see...and get to know this strain a little better...but I am very happy just to have one at this point!!
Hey Rdrose how are you doing Hun? looks like your girls are doing great nice and bushy just the way i like them:D You sure do have a green thumb good luck with the girls i will see you around soon latter
grats on the girl rose:aok:. your garden looks great:hubba:-are you thinking to pollenate your SQ?
Hey Rdrose Great Grow hope you get alot of buddage (=

Good Luck
..Looking stellar rose..
Even seasned vetrans can/are often fooled by early preflowers.IMHO.. Leave them untill you are certain of their gender.
Thanks, Hick...and glad you stopped by...giving them more time til I know for sure is exactly what I'm planning to do... :D

This is the third day in a row that I've spent about an hour sittin' in the closet with them and my trusty magnifying glass...and I can tell you all for sure, these plants are not in any rush!!
Thought I'd post some pics so you can see what I'm seeing...took some close-up pics of the WW preflowers (pic 1 & 2), which are very recognizeable,

Next are pics of SQ's pre-flowers not showing sex yet (pics 3-4),

Last pic (#5) is of the little pistil in my female SQ. (I think she decided to she better show herself, or that crazy lady might throw us all out!! :D )





12-07 veggies 002.jpg
I am pretty sure the plants in pictures 3 ad 4 are males. Are those the ones you were waiting to show? I could be wrong but they sure look like males to me.