Satori Comparison Grow - Organic vs. Soilless/Synthetic

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I did not have a good experience with the AN pH Perfect products I used--my plants hated them and none of them grew well. It still could be the nutrients.
I did not have a good experience with the AN pH Perfect products I used--my plants hated them and none of them grew well. It still could be the nutrients.

Beginning with its next feeding, the ProMixHP-AN plant will get full-strength nutes. Maybe it will show more vigor then.

This is a fun experiment. I've been meaning to do it for long time, but just never got around to it until now.
For a fair test I think you need to increase the numbers of plants in the study. My clones are often from the same plant and they still seem to grow a little differently to each other even tho they're in the same box with the same nutes and light. As fun as it is, I'd take the results of this test with a pinch of salt and a big bowl.
For a fair test I think you need to increase the numbers of plants in the study. My clones are often from the same plant and they still seem to grow a little differently to each other even tho they're in the same box with the same nutes and light. As fun as it is, I'd take the results of this test with a pinch of salt and a big bowl.

You're right.

But the truth is, I don't have the room to do a properly-sized experiment. My flowering closet is a bit less than 4x4, so I have room for only about 3 plants (unless I do SOG, which I never do).

But I might luck into some results that would be meaningful in small grow such as mine.

For example, if the ProMixHP-AN plant eventually takes off and blows the organic plants away, then I think I could draw some positive conclusions about AN from that. Because I think my organic soil is as potent as it can be, and I have years of experience using it with many different strains.

For another example, if the organic plants do indeed beat the ProMixHP-AN plant, I could probably draw the conclusion that it's my fault due to inexperience with ProMix HP and AN. Because when used correctly, I believe that all reputable synthetic nutes should soundly beat any soil grows in terms of growth rate and yield. But that's just my opinion.

The gray area, I think, is if the ProMixHP-AN plant beats the organic plants, but not by a lot. Then was it my fault, or is AN inferior, or was it just that one clone...?

IDK. It's kinda fun anticipating and wondering what will happen. I used to love college football, pro football, riding my ATV, etc. But now my main hobby is growing weed.

I still watch football when I'm high, but I stay off my ATV... :)
For a fair test I think you need to increase the numbers of plants in the study. My clones are often from the same plant and they still seem to grow a little differently to each other even tho they're in the same box with the same nutes and light. As fun as it is, I'd take the results of this test with a pinch of salt and a big bowl.

It always surprises me that clones from the same mother in the same closet can grow so differently, but they do.
Day 27 Update:

The ProMixHP-AN plant (in the center below) has increased growth rate, and is somewhat catching up to the organic plants since I increased its nutrient solution to 100% strength. And tonight, my Voodoo Juice and B-52 arrived, and I added the recommended amount of each to tonight's feeding.

I'll post another pic in a couple days.

And I forgot to mention that I'll be transitioning to LED for vegging when my new LED light arrives on Friday.

I got so tired of T5 bulbs burning out. And of having to keep the light so close to the plants. We'll see how my new LED does.

Current nutrient solution mix
4 milliliters per liter Connoisseur Grow A
4 milliliters per liter Connoisseur Grow B
2 milliliters per liter Voodoo Juice
2 milliliters per liter B-52

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I wonder why your bulbs burn out...mine seem to last forever. Funny, but one of the things I like about the T5s is being able to keep them right on top of the plants. What type and size LED did you get? I am still vegging with my T5s, but on my first run flowering with LEDs. You going to run all the way through with LEDs?
I wonder why your bulbs burn out...mine seem to last forever. Funny, but one of the things I like about the T5s is being able to keep them right on top of the plants. What type and size LED did you get? I am still vegging with my T5s, but on my first run flowering with LEDs. You going to run all the way through with LEDs?

I bought 8 Spectralux T5 HO grow spectrum bulbs about 4 months ago. Four of them have burned out thus far. It may just be a bad run of bulbs, because my past Spectralux bulbs lasted longer, I think. Or maybe it's my T5-fixture-ballast going bad and damaging the bulbs somehow.

I veg 24/0, but I figured the bulbs should have lasted longer than that even at 24/0.

I've used T5 for vegging for many years. And as with any repetitive process, I've developed some dislikes (pet peeves) about T5:

1. The bulbs burn out (LEDs generally don't).

2. For me, it's not so much that I can keep my T5 fixture close to the plants, it's that I feel I have to. Which means that the light has to be raised daily to care for plants, and then lowered again. With LEDs, the fixture is kept a couple feet above the plants, allowing easy access to plants without having to adjust the light height. I'm kinda lazy, so this is a significant reason I'm moving to LED over T5.

3. The LED is much easier to install, take down, and store, because of it's small size and weight.

I'm only planning to veg with LEDs at the present. I'm still flowering with HPS. But as soon as I can afford to properly equip a 4x4 grow closet with a bloom LED, I'll probably do so. This summer has been a real challenge in heat control, even though I'm flowering at night.

Here's the veg-only LED I bought. It's a California Light Works 220-watt VegMaster.


What LED do you have?
I have a 700W Mars II and a 768W Apollo Purple Sun. They are in a closet that is 3 x 6.5. My first run with them. I think that some of my plants are going to be too short, squat, and bushy to do well with them, but we will see.

As Satori is one of my all-me favorites, I will be following along. I have 5 (from seed) I just stuck into DWC--they were just not looking happy in soil.

As far as nutes, I used the Sensi Grow A and B pH Perfect. I could be that the Connoisseur line is better.
I have a 700W Mars II and a 768W Apollo Purple Sun. They are in a closet that is 3 x 6.5. My first run with them. I think that some of my plants are going to be too short, squat, and bushy to do well with them, but we will see.

As Satori is one of my all-me favorites, I will be following along. I have 5 (from seed) I just stuck into DWC--they were just not looking happy in soil.

As far as nutes, I used the Sensi Grow A and B pH Perfect. I could be that the Connoisseur line is better.

I've read good things about the Mars LED line.

I'm really excited to try Satori. I've grown mostly indica-dominant plants since I've been growing (couchlock stuff), but I've long wanted to rediscover that high from my teenage years where I'm laughing and zipping around the house.

I transplanted my plants tonight from their 18-ounce Dixie Cups to larger containers. They were definitely ready, judging by their root structure. I'll post pics tomorrow night, by which time my new VegMaster LED will be here and installed.

Preview: the ProMixHP-AN plant has caught up since I increased its nute solution strength to 100% and included Voodoo Juice and B-52.

This is a fun grow.
Day 27 Update:

Well, my new LED has arrived, and I installed it tonight. It's a California Light Works SolarFlare 220-watt VegMaster.

The plants have been transplanted into bigger containers. The organic plants are still in 100% Roots Organic soil.

Below is a pic of the plants taken tonight. The ProMixHP-AN plant is front center. It has caught up with the other plants in height, and has surpassed them in bushiness and vigor.

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They are looking great! The ProMix plant has indeed increased in size, but all 3 look stellar.
They are looking great! The ProMix plant has indeed increased in size, but all 3 look stellar.


I watered the organic plants and fed the ProMixHP-AN plant this morning. I'm heading up to my grow room in a bit to do some work. I can't wait to see how much they've grown today.

Their mother is in week 5 of flowering. I'm so anxious to try Satori for the first time.

How long do they typically flower before they're ready?
Well, the plants are doing great under my new LED. And at the recommended height of 24 inches above the plants, it's running 5 degrees cooler (at canopy level) than a 2-foot 8-bulb T5 was running at 3 inches above the plants.

Tonight, it looks as though the 3 plants are pretty much equal.

This is a fun grow. I'm anxious to see where it will go.
it's good to hear HC420, 5 degrees is a significant decrease in temps :aok: good luck