Site Rules ?

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In this jesus crist picture thread I was under the impression that there was to be no religous content under the site rules. I am unable to find any rule regarding this except for rule 14 (catch all).

Why doesn't it just say no religious content or politcal ? I see some mods have stated this, but have not seen all posts. Would it be less work moderating unwanted posts if the phrase "no reiigious content will be tollerated" was clearly stated in the rules?
Looking into it right now screwdriver. ;) I myself don't wanna see pictures of Jesus on a MJ site but that's just me. Just like i don't wanna answer the door when they come spouting their religion ya know. I'm not a religious person and i'm sure some other members on here arn't as well. There is a time and place for religion and that's church not a MJ site.
i got a question what if the pick was of jesus smoking a bong is that cool
Hey screwdriver-

I received a PM on this very thing earlier today. I appreciate your concern. TBG is right, it's a MJ board. If I wanted some religion, I'd go to church. jjsunderground has been warned NUMEROUS times that religious content isn't welcome here. He continues to post this stuff.

I've been around here long enough to see what happens when a religious or political post goes crazy. Better to nip it in the bud before that happens.
This is an MJ board. That's what brings us here. What makes us stay are the interactions everywhere. SM stated to reread the rules. Rules don't state anything on religion. (Not trying to be a pain in the arse (rule #1 violation))
I believe that a thread of religious content should be tolerated. If someone finds it "offensive" they should not read it or post into. If someone posts a bashing comment, that person is punished not the rest of the thread posters.
I don't mean to stick up for a particular thread or position. I didn't see anything I would consider preaching either.
And to nip it.. before anything happens.......that type of comment under these conditions depresses me. It sets up failure from the very beginning. From my stand point. Can be said about other topics related to MJ.

I ain't saying the mods aren't doing a great job and don't mean to point at anybody. It just seems to be a knee jerk reaction from my distance, I'm not on the front line and don't see the whole picture.
Yo Moms,
Not to come down on you or anything, But prudence and privacy might suggest that if you have a problem with what someone is posting then yeah cool deal with it , But one really shouldn't drop names nor throw someone to the wolves. Interaction between a Mod and another member in the form of warnings or censorship should be kept private also. Basically I don't think you should have dropped jj's tag here in telling everyone that he has been warned etc-etc. and the posting rules say nothing about sharing one's Christianity with others. If indeed I am wrong about the rules perhaps you would show me my goof. Surprisingly I have met several of the Christian Faith here, and by saying Merry Christmas, you are bringing Christ into view, and I for one will never cease to say Merry Christmas or God Bless. That to me is like saying that I can't say I love you in here, I love openly and share openly.
smoke in peace
Just so you all know it doesn't have to be in the site rules. If we find a thread is gonna be a problem we delete it before it gets that far. ;)
Hey KK I respect what you have to say. I did what I felt was best at the time. You're welcome to disagree, I can't please everyone. :)
I guess, some of you are new to forum posting. Others not...but the old OG crowd should remember the "shark tank" they had. Just every thread religous or political got dumped in there. I remember death threats, and all sorts of stuff. Problem is everyone has there own core beleifs, and when those get stepped on it gets ugly. So we try to keep convo light. Sorry but thats how it is. We really don't want a "shark tank" here.
Look how long before someone put up "Buddy Jesus"....many christians would find that offensive. But all it takes is one smart reply then it gets ugly.
Thats it, if you want there are other MJ forums to go to for that.
First and foremost, things like debates over politics, religion, and how to raise your kids can turn even the tightest of friends into bitter enemies, so why subject our members to fights like that on the forum? This is a strong-knit comunity and we got that way because we all have a passion not because we all share the same views in life.

Secondly, being that we have people from all walks of life on the forum it is out of respect that we not post images of our personal "gods" in front of them. The face of Jesus may be as hidious to some as the face of Budha is to others. We respect each others personal views by not brushing into anything that could personally insult someone.
I have to say that I agree that politics and religeon mixed with our site here does indeed make strange bed fellows. We are a community that does not necessarily reject, but instead we are all about growing and why we grow. Perhaps it would be a good policy to state something in the rules that sounds like this.

"We are happy that we can provide a setting where folks can learn the ways of growing MJ, and be able to share this information with others. In an effort to keep this site filled with good cheer and laughter in a teaching invironment,
we ask that politics, religeon, as well as how they are viewed be left out and off of this site so that no-one is caused to feel uncomfortable."

I think that that would about do the trick, straight forward, no bashing, nada.
smoke in peace
I've been thinking on this as well, and tend to agree with the Mods on this. Although there was no trouble in the thread that was closed, and I think good intentions on the part of the OP of it, it does strike me now as a bit of subtle prosyltizing, kind of like leaving a copy of "the Watchtower" on the coffee table at work or something. I'm not offended, myself, but if it was my coffee table, I'd probably read half of it, get annoyed and amused, and then toss it.
IMO it is a question of focus. Personally I love religious discussion and debate, but this is a MJ Growing Forum, like it says at the top of the browser, "Growing Marijuana Forum". The focus is what allows it to be such a good forum. There are most definetly political and religious aspects of this herb we love, but here the focus is on the growing of it, and as I watch my 5 seeds for signs of sprouting, I think I can say Amen to that!
And practically, our Mods have much better things to do than be constantly monitoring and intervening and warning and cleaning up messes, which happens a lot more often on other forums where the protocol is looser.
Peace ~

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