Smoking marijuana after deflated lung?

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Nov 18, 2006
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I was hospilized last week with an injury resulting in a collapsed lung. I had to have a chest tube inserted into my side. It was connected to a pump for a few days in the hospital to clear out all the air and blood ect.

Now I am back home and feeling better but off work for 3 weeks. Will smoking marijuana be very bad to do in say another weeks time for 4/20??(im a weekly toker so i know its not great for u but in this condition will it be even more damaging?)

Lol i don't think anyone wants to give that kind of advice dude. It's your lung, you'd know best how you feel and what the danger MIGHT be. Personally I wouldn't risk it for a bit. Can't possibly be good for that recovering organ to fill it with smoke yet? I recovered from a moderate heart attack in August of 06 for a month before I took a puff. Give it a littl e time maybe? Just a thought my friend. Be cool, be safe.
wait at LEAST a month... let your lungs recover
Yea, I would probally be able to wait a month if it werent for 420. :S

But, if i made some brownies and ate the weed would there be no harm to the lungs then? Or is this still goin to damage me.
I got hit by a truck in 05' and punctued my lung (it was collapsed). 2 months later I was smoking bud...but my doctor told me I could get a lung infection and have to take anti-biotics by doing so. I wouldent take my chances, but its your call?
no good idea, you could eat all the weed you want... if you smoke it tho it will be damaging
Heal now---- live to puff another day. mmmmmm brownies i like brownies lotsa brownies big ones small ones anyones everyones mmmmmmmbrownies
if you can afford it, get yourself a very nice vaporizer, or a good recipe for some ganja food.. good luck.. :aok: