So I saved 1 years worth of trim and

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I do 30 min at 270. Ive tried several combinations,,including 30 at 250. My high seem to be stronger and longer with 30 min at 270. I also break my material up smaller. But to each hus own.
Just make sure it's preheated to 270 first. Let me know how it worked for ya. But ill telll ya i tried several ways before i settled with this one. The herb seemed to decarb better when ground up better and not so chunky. I now use a small glass jar and i do small amounts like 3 or 4 grams at a time. That last me along time cause i just put a little in penut butter and a little walnut oil and right down the throat. Taste like roasted nuts. Lol
Roasted Nuts :rofl: thats funny.
Hey joe, how goes the caps? I am a baby when it comes to edibles.. I am just proud to know ya, as my m-i-l used to say.. You are inspiring.
I was able to decarb 50g of trim how much coconut oil should I use and how long are my @ hand questions 3.5 hours till school lets out

most excellent thread, Joe
why do you have to decarb the trim?
Can this machine make smoking oil?
I want one so badly but they are pricey local to me.
You guys make these machines look awesome. How do you like these caps?

You need a distiller and 120 proof alcohol for that. Scary but doable. I used mine once, too much fuss, and an expensive way to smoke. Want a distlilller cheap?