Tap water question?

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Lots can go wrong with Aero but it will work if you have the right conditions. The ideal reservoir temp should be a constant 68. Almost impossible to do without a chiller. I used a 1/4 HP and it wasn't good enough. Be prepared to buy 1/2 HP chiller per unit. WARNING!!! Chillers eat up electricity. You also need to be adding hydrogen peroxide to reservoir. Room should not be above 70 as it will contribute to higher water temp. You can use tap water but store it in a separate open container for 24 hours so that chlorine can evaporate. PH must remain constant.
hiya smooth same here man my bluelab cf trunceon shows nothing on my tap water yet my adwa cf meter shows 0.2ec so probably same as me.

hick i think you missed smooth stating he keeps ph between 5.5-6.0.

also smooth do you allow your water to stand for 24 hours to get rid of chorine or whatever is in tap water this may be the cause.

i too am doing aero and realistically i dont thinks its cuts it compered to my rockwool dripper system harvest/yeild wise.

try using oxy-plus in your reservoir as this will whiten your roots like a trip to the dentists although this isnt a definition of a healthy root system being whiter than white.

hey md ph between 5.5-6

and how do you adjust ph without ph up or down now tha would be a hassle for sure

Check your meter it sounds like its broken. i had well water and it still has around 20-30 ppm(last time i checked was a while ago so im a lil fuzzy. But your best bet is to pick up a decent filter from walmart/target/homedepot. it should take out most of the bigger particles and then leave it out for a day or two and the rest of whatever is in there should evaporate... best of luck

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