The Oldest Medicine.

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Smoke Free Zone.
May 24, 2007
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Marijuana is:
The SAFEST therapeutic drug know to man.
One of Humanities OLDEST medicines with a remarkable record of both safety and efficiency.

The BEST natural expectorant to void lungs of smog.
Used for the treatment of more than 100 separate illnesses or diseases

One of the MOST TESTED therapeutic drugs. Used since 2737 B.C.,
it is tested by time, not the 10 or 50 years like the drugs of today.

The BEST AGENT for the control of nausea in cancer's chemotherapy or nausea disorders.

The BEST KNOWN overall bronchial dilator.
If any other plant or drug had shown as many medical properties as the Marijuana plant, it would have been called a


Marijuana is the safest know therapeutic drug:
The Cannabis plant, also know as Marijuana, has hundreds of demonstrated medical and therapeutic uses. It is used to treat rare congenital uses as well as common health problems, from simple headaches to AIDS and cancer.

More is know about the therapeutic uses of Marijuana than about most prescription drugs.
Marijuana has been tested by millions of people, for thousands of years. In all that time there is not a single recorded death caused by consuming Marijuana. Most prescription drugs have only been tested 10 to 50 years.

Marijuana is two to three times as effective as currently legal medicine for reducing ocular pressure, without toxic side effects associated with present legal glaucoma drugs.

Eighty percent of asthmatics could add two to four years to their life spans, by using Marijuana over the presently legal and toxic medicine used by asthmatics.

The greatest advantage of Marijuana as a medicine is its unusual safety. The ratio of lethal dose to effective dose is estimated to 20.000:1.

D.E.A. Administrative Law Judge Francis J. Young said on Sept. 6 1988 "That Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances know to man."


Facts about Marijuana as medicine:
Ninety percent of glaucoma victims can benefit from the use of Marijuana.

Marijuana is also the supreme dilator of the airways, the bronchi, opening them up to allow more oxygen into the blood. Marijuana is the best dilator of the little air tubes of the lungs, the bronchioles.

Medical research indicates that light Marijuana smoking would be the therapy of choice for mild emphysema to allow more fresh areas of bronchi to open up for more transfer and increase the quality of life for tens of millions of sufferers of emphysema.

Sixty percent of epileptics can benefit from the use of Marijuana. It is considered to be the best medication for many types of epilepsy and most victims' post-seizure trauma.

Marijuana completely alleviates most migraine headaches - Marijuana could replace 50% of all the valium, librium, thoracine, and stelacine used today

Research into oxygen transfer effects caused by Marijuana smoking indicates that chest pain, shortness of breath, headaches and such, which are symptomatic of heavy smog exposure, are usually alleviated entirely by light smoking of Marijuana throughout the day.

Marijuana is the best way presently known to dry the mouth's saliva in dentistry. If legal, it would replace the highly toxic and deadly Probanthine.

Marijuana has been proven to:
Relieve migraine headaches
Stop the advancement of glaucoma
Control spasticity from multiple sclerosis (MS) and paralysis
Alleviate nausea and pain associated with cancer chemotherapy treatments. Also helps in other cases of severe nausea
Block epileptic seizures
Help emphysema patients to breathe better, increasing their oxygen transfer
Help in the treatment of smog illnesses
Relievies the pain of arthritis and rheumatism and helps other chronic pain diseases
Help in anorexia nervosa and other loss of appetite diseases
Work as a back spasm medicine; Marijuana is the best relaxant of muscles short of morphine
Relieve asthma attacks and improve breathing
Help people with AIDS
-relieve stress and depression
-reduce pain
-eliminate nausea, stimulate appetite

Help skin diseases, like pruritis
Help depression and other mood disorders and be an adjunct to psychotherapy
Help overcome insomnia, deepen sleep
Help paraplegia and quadriplegia patients
Help alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol and narcotics
Have antimicrobal and antibacterial affects
Cure fistulas, corns, and fibrosis when used in a poultice
What doctors say about Marijuana effectiveness:
-The journal of Clinical Oncology reported in 1989 that 48% of respondents to a survey of cancer specialists recommended Marijuana as medicine.

-Jocelyn Elders, the news Surgeon General of the United States, has said that she will back the medical use of Marijuana and "Marijuana is beneficial to many patients."

-Dr. James Malone-Lee, a consultant urologist at St. Pancras Hospital, London has several MS patients who smoke Marijuana. "I'm quite impressed by what's happened to patients who have used it", he says.

-Dr. Anthony Henman, former Secretary of International Anti-Prohibition League, says "one of the best effects Marijuana can have in any terminal illness is to produce a degree of euphoria which boosts morale in a depressing situation."

-"Marijuana is one of the best least toxic substances in the whole pharmacopoeia", according to Dr. Lester Grinspoon, Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

-Nabilone (from Eli Lilly) a synthetic cousin of Delta-9 THC is still considered virtually useless when compared with Marijuana by doctors and patients alike.

-The U.S. governments leading scientist on pulmonary research, said in 1989 at UCLA "that you can't get or pontentiate emphysema with Marijuana smoking.
Marijuana uses as medicine is old news!!!
-The Herbal of Chinese Emperor Shen prescribed Marijuana as medicine in 2737 B.C.
-Queen Victoria was regularly treated with Marijuana by her physician for several illnesses.
-A report done in 1839 by Dr. W.B. O'Shaugnessey on the uses of Marijuana was just as important to mid-19th century medicine as the discovery of antibiotics were to mid-20th century medicine.

-Between 1840 and 1900, more than one hundred papers were published in the western medical literature recommending Marijuana for various illnesses and discomforts.

-Between 1960 and 1986, some of the most extensive medical testing and medical hearings ever done on a therapeutic drug where conducted by the United States government, U.S. State governments, other World governments, universities, public and private hospitals, and various medical institutions and doctors.

What do you use it for?
Apart from getting stoned of course ;)

Source: flyer from the Hash Marihuana Hemp Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Forgot to put that bit in, thanks Hick ;)
very good read. why do i smoke? i have no appetite untill after i smoke. i mean i get hungry but the thought of food makes me sick if i try to eat without smoking i can only take a few bites but after i smoke i can eat without any problems. also i smoke as a mood elevator and stress reliever.
Nice post, I have one correction as I posted this earlier, the amount of MJ needed to OD should read 1:20,000 to 1:40,000, they need to fix their flyer LOL.

It is fascinating that it is being overlooked. In fact the endocannabinoid system is responsible for so many things, including appetite. And not only are they finding out more and more everyday but some of it is pretty major.

Here's one for you. In metastatic (aggresive spreading cancer) cancers they are finding out that CBD is actually tageting cancer cells specifically, much safer and non toxic especially compared to chemo. And here's the kicker, cancer is spread by a gene called Id-1. Id-1 is a gene that coordinates all the other cancer cells and tells it to spread, well CBD stops it dead in it's tracks. So if you kill the boss there is chaos. This means they think they can actually stop the cancer from spreading or metasticising (sp?). Now if anyone wants to argue that pumping toxic material into the body that targets all cells is safer I would definitely question them.

CHEMO= BAD POISON and kills even healthy cells
CBD and THC= Target specific cells (cancer only especially the Id-1 gene), and is non toxic while also improving appetite, pain management, and sleep all things important to a cancer patient and all with one "drug" MJ.

Good post Hippy I love and I live for this stuff...keep spreading the good word.

Oh and what do I use it for besides enjoyment and relaxation....
Help alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol and narcotics

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