the zodiac game

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Active Member
Sep 26, 2006
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what is ur sign...and who would u rather smoke with?
options on the people who u smoke with:
1. bob marley
2. tom petey
3. god
4. devil
5. no one

5 different people to choose from...and tell me ur sign.
dont be afraid to say anything else about ur sign to me...haha, dont a leo. that means very artistic, and creative.
tom petey, i love tom petey's music. lol...not a fan of astrology though
I'm a gemini
I'd like to smoke with B. Real
kool...kool, u dont have to answer the zodiac...just answer who would u rather smoke problem with me.
I'm a Leonian..
and.. a.. unique.. rebel.. that.. likes.. to.. live.. on.. the.. edge..and..color..outside..of..the...lines...hehehehehh........
i would smoke with lucifer.
i hope this counts as the devil
I'm a Leo not to be confused with Leo. ;) I would like to have a smoke out with God and the Devil. :D
y yes lucifer would still be concidered as the devil....everyone thank you u for input about yourselves.