uh oh... anybody?

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Hi Hushpuppy,
I'm still trying to get used to this place and figured I should post a sick plant question here but wrong again... I got off to a lousy start with coco, my fault, no ppm meter, first time with coco, it was FILTHY. I flushed 1200 down to 100 when they were maybe 2 inches tall.
Darn darn darn... I wish I'd read your post before I transplanted adding the clay pellets....That fabric is a great idea! I hate perlite now, still trying to clean up the pellets, THEY BOTH FLOAT!

Rosebud... I'm sorry, I made another mess here... can you move these posts to my grow thread
or not, that's okay too.
Maybe I'll just finish off my jug of Power Thrive and leave you guys alone. Or maybe the plants will find out where I sleep and take care of this themselves.
Hang in there my friend. :) This MJ growing has a long learning curve to it that a lot of people don't expect it to have. You have to understand the plant as MJ is a very "need specific" creature. If you haven't already bought a book, I recommend that you buy one. I think this is an excellent book to begin with for getting a good understanding of the "theory of operation" of MJ: [ame]http://www.amazon.com/Cannabis-Grow-Bible-Definitive-Recreational/dp/1931160589/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1427486839&sr=8-12&keywords=marijuana+books[/ame]
If you will read this book, you will get a better understanding of how and why MJ does what it does. I would recommend Clark's Marijuana Botany but that is a text book that is challenging to read unless you like that kind of reading. When you read these books though keep in mind, they will give singular methods many times for growing and there is no single right method for successful growing. Take the info as a good source of theory for the proper functioning of MJ but not gospel on methodology. :)
Well put hushpuppy, if you have plants but no books your heading in the wrong direction. Pappy hang in there, your gonna get this I promise. Green mojo your way man. :)
Well put hushpuppy, if you have plants but no books your heading in the wrong direction. Pappy hang in there, your gonna get this I promise. Green mojo your way man. :)

haha, well, I'm not a quiter, I 'm just really uncomfortable with what I'm doing to this beautiful plant. I'm culling the herd and chucked two more last night, emptied the buckets and getting my plugs, distilled water, solo cups, and saran wrap ready for two more into the buckets... I'll be glued to your next grow thread!
Glad you'll follow. Thanks :) I just dropped the bean 20 minutes ago. You just keep hanging in there, your gonna out grow me one day :)
Hang in there my friend. :) This MJ growing has a long learning curve to it that a lot of people don't expect it to have. You have to understand the plant as MJ is a very "need specific" creature. If you haven't already bought a book, I recommend that you buy one. I think this is an excellent book to begin with for getting a good understanding of the "theory of operation" of MJ: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1931160589/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20
If you will read this book, you will get a better understanding of how and why MJ does what it does. I would recommend Clark's Marijuana Botany but that is a text book that is challenging to read unless you like that kind of reading. When you read these books though keep in mind, they will give singular methods many times for growing and there is no single right method for successful growing. Take the info as a good source of theory for the proper functioning of MJ but not gospel on methodology. :)

I think I have a pdf of that grow bible (or one of a similar name) and several others but I've read far too much and watched too many videos. Now I get confused and reactionary when things go awry and look for the 'quick fix'. You may have noticed that dumb mythbusters thread I started trying to solve some of my contradictions but you've hit the nail on the head with "no single right method" and I'll have to stop looking for that.
I've been too paranoid to join a place like this but I'm finding it's the best move I've made so far. If only I could have one problem at a time but it never seems to work that way.
I'm settling down now as there is growth down there now but I do appreciate you keeping an eye on me, and thanks for your observations, very true!
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Not to worry my Friend,,we ALLLLLLL,,,go thru trial and error growing our Girls. You arnt the only one thats had problems. Lol
i bet ya everybody can give ya accounts of thier issues,,,Hell thats how most of us found MP. I started out in a fridge with CFLs for Christ sake and didnt know crap. I had 3 poor little plants that were getting there butts kicked by my dumb ***. Lol
Not to worry my Friend,,we ALLLLLLL,,,go thru trial and error growing our Girls. You arnt the only one thats had problems. Lol
i bet ya everybody can give ya accounts of thier issues,,,Hell thats how most of us found MP. I started out in a fridge with CFLs for Christ sake and didnt know crap. I had 3 poor little plants that were getting there butts kicked by my dumb ***. Lol

That is a great idea for a thread, WH, the lighter side of pot growing...
I was using rigid foam as trays for 6 plants (I found I often felt like a baker putting loaves of bread in to an oven) I found it handy with similar size plants on the same tray. I could adjust height under the lamp sitting them on milk crates (there was some overlap as the crates were smaller but it worked fine and I thought I was clever)
One day I pick up a plant from one end of the tray and threw it off balance. It was right next to a big tub I used for water... sploosh! as they started falling in to the tub. I had 1 in hand, caught another one as it fell but 2 went right in to the drink, and 2 hit the floor, all the while me yelling at the gods and calling myself names.
I blame it on the cups, bottoms are too narrow , top heavy and too easy to tip over. :fly:
Fun thread you guys, yes, WH we do need a lighter side to growing...