Vape Concentrates

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I press at 6 tons pressure

Dude, your press is awesome. Looks like top quality. How big are your plates? I believe that determines your final PSI.

Here's a converter I found...

If I read this right, I am using 6 tons of 'force' over a 7 sq. in. 'area' resulting in approx. 1700 'psi' on the plates.

I'm not sure if this is true in practical use but in theory, this is another reason to go with round plates instead of square. 3" Square plates would result in a final psi of 1300 rather than the 1700 psi results from the round. I wonder if that's only true in theory.

I would still like to find some kind of pressure gauge. I wonder if they have anything that I can 'add on'?
Dude, your press is awesome. Looks like top quality. How big are your plates? I believe that determines your final PSI.

Here's a converter I found...

If I read this right, I am using 6 tons of 'force' over a 7 sq. in. 'area' resulting in approx. 1700 'psi' on the plates.

I'm not sure if this is true in practical use but in theory, this is another reason to go with round plates instead of square. 3" Square plates would result in a final psi of 1300 rather than the 1700 psi results from the round. I wonder if that's only true in theory.

I would still like to find some kind of pressure gauge. I wonder if they have anything that I can 'add on'?

My plates are 5"x6", and I usually press 7grams at a time
Something is rotten in Denmark. LMAO If we follow the conversion, that's only 400 psi. I am beginning to have my doubts if this theory holds to true.

Do you pre-press? How big is your puck?
I use the 2"x3" filter bags. I break down buds off stem and use a dowel to compact it all by hand in the filter. When I press it I somewhat 'finesse' it :D I don't press straight to 6 tons. Start low, let it pre heat a bit. Then press to 6, and let it go about 45 seconds give or take. Just my routine
I use the same 2 x 3 bags. I don't use the bags to press flowers only kief. Flowers never needed it. I have been doing 30 seconds give or take.
This thread kicks ***. Thanks to all. Keep the info coming.
I have been making some e-cig juice and experimenting with different flavors. I use the candy flavoring that I use for making candy and have tried cinnamon, bubblegum, cherry and cream soda. LOL

All these flavoring are OK but they all taste like candy. First puff of the morning, I want something other than candy taste.

I was reading that cooking extracts are OK. Who knows if it's true but I am going to try vanilla extract next.

I'm also going to try coffee bean extract. I can't imagine anything better with my coffee and morning wake and bake then coffee flavored vape. LOL
I am experimenting with terpenes. I have only made 2 small "batches" of vape liquid with them so far. The first I used a flavorless liquidizer, a Jack Herer terpene, and Satori kief. The other was a liquidizer with an OG terpene already in it. I used some BHO shatter that I purchased at a dispensary for this batch. Most everyone who tried the first one liked it--hard to describe the taste, but it is pretty flavorful. I really don't know how much I put in though. Next time I will use a syringe to measure the quantity I put in. The second doesn't have much of a taste--pretty much might as well have used just a flavorless liquidizer.

And speaking of coffee, I bought some CBD coffee (no THC at all), both regular and decaf. Going to do some "experiments" to see if it helps me sleep. I have a Fitbit and can track my sleep patterns. I am not getting enough REM sleep. It seemed to help the other morning when I woke up sore from work the day before.
When I was searching for info on coffee extract to be used in a vape, I was amazed at all the posts about people who are vaping straight coffee in a vaporizer. LOL Yep, grinding up a couple beans and putting them right in the vape. LOL

Quite a few people vaped coffee grounds mixed in with their weed.

And I was amazed at the number of people who are making coffee based e-juice. Most are using regular ground coffee and glycerin soaked together and then strained.

I also read quite a bit about lipids in different substances and how they cause lipid pneumonia. Probably be hearing more about that as vaping e-juice becomes more and more popular over the coming years.

I never heard of a FitBit so I Googled it. .Wow, sounds really cool. Does it actually work? How does it know if you're getting rem sleep. I never rem sleep. Not any more. Not for years.
Hackerman, you seriously need to look into terpenes.

I am really liking my Fitbit--it was a Christmas present. I found myself getting lazy and parking in front of the TV or reading for hours on end and doing nothing. This reminds me to get up and move around every hour, keeps track of how many steps I take, how far I walk, the flights of stairs I climb, how much I exercise and a whole bunch of other stuff, like sleep patterns. Different stages of sleep are marked by different combinations of heart rates and body movements.
I don't understand what terpenes are.

Are they actually cannabinoids collected from the cannabis plant, separated and sold?

I'll have to check into the Fitbit. Sounds really cool. I am into fitness and more information is always better. Plus, I'm a total gadget freak and stuff like this is like honey to a bee. LOL Does it seem to be pretty accurate?

Definitely going to look into this more. :) Thanks
Terpenes are not a cannabinoid of any kind and many are derived from non cannabis plants. However, they can define the type of high as well as taste and smell.
THG, my trainer's REM sleep increased TWO HOURS a night with my cbd tincture, I was shocked. She is a happy lady.

Hackerman, my trainers fitbit is the expensive one, I have the cheap one. It doesn't show rem. My bike rider freak was able to get one that turned riding into steps. wowser.
Terpenes are not a cannabinoid of any kind and many are derived from non cannabis plants. However, they can define the type of high as well as taste and smell.

OK, so it's like linolin (or whatever it's called) pulled from a lilac (or whatever plant) and it gives it a 'lilac' taste?

I thought they were selling flavors like Kush and Skunk and whatever. They just copying profiles?

Sorry, calling the terps cannabinoids was wrong. I know that. I was recently reading an article about the difference. Should have said, are they actually RESIN GLANDS (not cannabinoids) collected from the cannabis plant...Brain fart.

Not to get off topic but something popped into mind recently. Kind of a dumb question if there is such a thing...... Almost embarrassed to ask.....

The little trics on the plants. Does each one contain a little bit of every cannabinoid and terp in it? Or are some of the trics, TCH while others are CBD and others are linolin while others etc. I believe the trics are called resin glands (yes?) and the terps and cannabinoids are formed in the resin glands but I have noticed over the years some trics are different than others. Some form real real early on the leaves and turn dark (mature) real real early. Even before flowering, they mature. On the buds, I notice before the trics are amber, there is a 'shrinkage and shriveling' of a certain number of the other trics.

I ASSume that every gland has a little of everything but.... I can ask here and you guys won't make fun of me. :)
Yes all the compounds are in plant, but not necessarily in the resin gland. When the trichomes turns amber they are dying so shrinkage is not uncommon. So many things can influence trichome development that it is hard to say if 1 particular aspect is what you saw or not. Of course, much of it is genetic.
Hackerman, you seriously need to look into terpenes.

I thought I remembered you posting a link to the place you bought your terps but I can't find it. Any recommendations?

Also, the few places that I did look, I noticed no one had a 'skunk' terp. Skunk is my favorite taste. Kind of musky and earthy.
Hackerman, I think you would really like having a Fitbit or other activity tracker, especially if you are into fitness. I got mine because I am into lazy--it gets so easy to get that way after you retire and the weather is bad. I had started out with a cheaper activity tracker that was not a Fitbit and had problems with it. So, my buddy (who is also a gadget freak) bought me the Fitbit for Christmas. You can set your individual goals. As I am an old lady and it is winter, I set my daily goals at 5000 steps, 3 miles a day, and 6 flights of stairs, with a reminder to make sure I walk at least 250 steps every hour. I do like the sleep tracker, too. Rosebud, I have been experimenting with more CBDs at night. Sounds like I might need to make up some tincture. Did you make this up with Everclear like RSO?

My understanding of terpenes is that there are a finite number of terpenes and every plant has multiple terpenes that make up its own distinct odor and flavor. For instance, something like strawberry plants could share a number of terpenes in common with strawberry kush, as they have the same aroma. However it goes beyond odor. Like Umbra mentioned, it can actually help define the high. One of the websites I was on (can't remember what one it is, but I'll look for it) listed the all different terpenes that went into each of their "flavors" (not really a flavor but can't think of a better word). While they may not be derived from cannabis, cannabis and other plants share common terpenes, just in different ratios. I'll see if I can find some of the places I visited and link the sites.