What constitutes a "quality" bong?

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Oct 8, 2008
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Hi community,

I'm a novice smoker, new to the scene (this is my first post). In fact, I could count the number of times I've gotten high with my fingers and toes.

I've only smoked from joints and a waterfall bong I made from a glass bottle.

Anyway, I'm in the market for some glass and I need a little advice.

There seem to be a thousand and one varieties and sizes of bongs; prices are similarly varied.

Now, I am "aware" of brands like RooR which a lot seem to say is the best, and have also seen ones that look similar for 1/10th of the price.

What I am trying to find out is, are brands like these just a waste of money for a "brand name".

What "specs", if any, are used to judge a bong?

For things such as thickness I can make a fairly educated assumption that they would be more durable and less prone to break. I can also guess that "glass on glass" bongs would have a better seal.

But does any of this justify spending a small paycheck on a piece?

I'd appreciate it if you guys can give me a quick summary of the foundations of a quality bong, as well other quality brands which might not hit the wallet as hard.

Thanks for reading!

glass on glass is nicer but cost more and replacement parts cost more to. go to a local head shop and see what they have. the nicer ones can be fitted with add ons like ash catchers and such. as will have such things as ice catchers.

you should really just pick up something nice and not to pricey or big.
something like this would be good.
Yo Ho FalsifiedDreams,

We all have our own likes and dislikes, and that's the key right there. You need to start out with something that catches your eye for your own pleasure.
1. Glass is good, but can obviously be fragile.
2. Acrylics can be nice so long as you don't start to melt them.
3. Plastics can work, but often you can taste the plastic in your fluids.

I like to use a sweet bamboo, but for awhile I could taste it, but now that it has seasoned it's great.

I also hate metals cause they can leech out real nasty's. I suppose that glass would be the best for you as long as your happy with the design.

Good Luck
2007 Pics 079.gif

smoke in peace

2007 Pics 079.gif
invest in a quality acrylic bong. glass is great until you or one of your buddys break it. its extremly hard to break an acrylic piece without trying. a good acrylic hits as smooth as any glass i have ever used (some in the $300- $400 range) and they are fairly easy to clean. as far as melting goes i've never seen it happen. my $0.02.
I own both a 21" Illadelph Rasta label 5.0mm beaker and a 23" Roor Fairmaster 5.0mm straight, and they were both absolutely worth the money.

High quality glassware such as Roor, Illadelph, and LUX have much better glass-on-glass seals than cheaper brands, and their diffusers and ashcatchers are designed to provide a smoother hit than brands such as Bushmaster, Blue Dot, and PURE. Other benefits include less glass blowing errors, stronger joints, and deeper ice notches than the cheaper brands. A nice water pipe might be a $300-500 purchase, but you get what you pay for.
FalsifiedDreams said:
Hi community,

I'm a novice smoker, new to the scene (this is my first post). In fact, I could count the number of times I've gotten high with my fingers and toes.

I've only smoked from joints and a waterfall bong I made from a glass bottle.

Anyway, I'm in the market for some glass and I need a little advice.

There seem to be a thousand and one varieties and sizes of bongs; prices are similarly varied.

Now, I am "aware" of brands like RooR which a lot seem to say is the best, and have also seen ones that look similar for 1/10th of the price.

What I am trying to find out is, are brands like these just a waste of money for a "brand name".

What "specs", if any, are used to judge a bong?

For things such as thickness I can make a fairly educated assumption that they would be more durable and less prone to break. I can also guess that "glass on glass" bongs would have a better seal.

But does any of this justify spending a small paycheck on a piece?

I'd appreciate it if you guys can give me a quick summary of the foundations of a quality bong, as well other quality brands which might not hit the wallet as hard.

Thanks for reading!


Howdy FalsefiedDreams :ciao:

I like plain, straight tube glass bongs, because they can be cleaned like new easily ;) However, there is definately something to be said for the ice notches to keep ice cubes in the tube, outta the water :p and cleaning by shaking rock salt and iso in there isnt really hard to do. Glass is fragile though :eek: Plastic will be easier to keep in one piece :rolleyes:, but dont use iso alcohol to clean plastic as they tend to dissolve :eek:

Generally, I would suggest the largest intake tube you can find, 18.8 mm is the largest glass I have seen, most are 14mm.

A very excellent place to start your search is grasscity.com, they have done me right before :aok: I have even done a thread about their great service. [they gave me 3 nice molino glass bongs for the price of 1 :hubba: ]

Good Luck!!!!
I am smoking my Yellow label 23" RooR and the glass on glass is amazing. The diffusers and down stems (I use a 13.0cm diffuser on my RooR) are amazing. They have a adapter, I will try to explain the setup. It goes from the part where the bong connects with the diffuser or downtube (at 18.8 mm size), to a expander back to the 18.8 female end. This assures that when you put that bowlhead on that female end, it always stays dry. They are made through glassblowing techniques known as scientific glassblowing.

P.S. Puffin did you know RooR zumos have 29.2mm diffusers, and bowlheads? They steamroll! RooR zumo link check it!

All high quality glassware should be in my opinion Borosilicate glass (which is boron fused witih silicate oxide), Glass on glass, and with no carb. RooR fits my expectations and far exceeds. Let me further explain.

The ways RooR exceeds my expectations:

1. They have nice sized thick bowlheads with a huge hole as a pinch, needing a glass gauze that comes free with the order to smoke out of it. Either this or if you loose it, you need to stick a giant nug in the bottom hah!

2. RooR's patented diffuser that was badly mimicked by PH(X) is amazing. According to everyonedoesit.com: "Contrary to conventional down-tubes, the opening end of the diffuser's tube is first sealed and then pierced with small holes. This means better distribution of the smoke as it rises in many small bubbles. The diffuser option is suited to anyone who likes a milder smoke."

3. Mouthpiece is large and thick providing comfort

4. At the bottom of the tube there is a little sink, like a depression and the ash pools in the middle there and also it doubles as letting the 3rd bottom diffuser hole to have smoke escape.

5. Artists signatures are amazing. Every RooR has a custom one and mines sick thanks everyonedoesit!

6. GOOD ice notches

7. The bottom brim the bong sits on is slightly angled up allowing the tube to stay further away from the item you place your bong on, not ruining or getting water on that loved object

I rest my case RooR owns.

P.s. I'm ripped and this bong has no drag it feels like I'm hitting air, the diffuser makes it so smooth!
FalsifiedDreams said:
Hi community,

I'm a novice smoker, new to the scene (this is my first post). In fact, I could count the number of times I've gotten high with my fingers and toes.

I've only smoked from joints and a waterfall bong I made from a glass bottle.

Anyway, I'm in the market for some glass and I need a little advice.

There seem to be a thousand and one varieties and sizes of bongs; prices are similarly varied.

Now, I am "aware" of brands like RooR which a lot seem to say is the best, and have also seen ones that look similar for 1/10th of the price.

What I am trying to find out is, are brands like these just a waste of money for a "brand name".

What "specs", if any, are used to judge a bong?

For things such as thickness I can make a fairly educated assumption that they would be more durable and less prone to break. I can also guess that "glass on glass" bongs would have a better seal.

But does any of this justify spending a small paycheck on a piece?

I'd appreciate it if you guys can give me a quick summary of the foundations of a quality bong, as well other quality brands which might not hit the wallet as hard.

Thanks for reading!


THAT IS A GREAT QUESTION-considering i blow glass and sell it.

I'd have to say specificly when it comes to buying a bong theres some simple factors that come into the equation.

1.thickness- perferrable at least 3/16-1/4 thick at least
2.style- hand blown Pyrex
3.size- in my personal opinion nothing less than 18 inches
4.color- i like full color changers, with outside glass working(marbles,lines,lens,etc.)
5.Bowl & female style/setup- Glass on Glass
6. MAKER-professional

now from that i could go into countless different descriptions of water pieces and styles and all that. but your better off taking the information i just provided and looking for that description you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Fire it up