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smoking good
Jun 18, 2012
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here are 3 of my grandaddy purp at 8 weeks into veg. had to transplant twice. they are roughly 2 feet tall. how do you guys think they look? could i flower them this early or should i let them grow more. i still cant tell if they are male or female and my camera cant get a close up to show you.


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Those are on the small side for 8 weeks....hve you topped them, or done any training on them? Jmo
topped 2 of them, why arent they growing fast? what could influence growth. i water consistently, temps get high sometimes, but not that bad. recently transplanted them to bigger pots. how much longer shud i let em go? and will they grow more once i start flowering? i feel like they are not gunna get much bigger and its pissing me off big time.
Yes, they will stretch when you put them in flower.

I would let them veg longer, but that is just my opinion.
i use sugar daddy once a week, miracle grow unfortunatly, 150 w HPS , 2 75 w CFLS, 2x4 grow tent. with two fans for intake and exhaust.
They look like they aren't getting the right nutes for them. That is the bad thing about MG soil, it isn't set up for MJ. This is just what I would do; I would get some "Espoma Garden Tone" from Lowes If you have one in your area, and just sprinkle about 2-3 good handfulls on top of the soil and let it get watered into the soil as you water each time. Then I would get another HPS, a 400w is what you will need to really make them build the buds. Then make sure you have air flow pulling the air out of the top of the tent(strong enough to blow yer wig off) Then as soon as all that is done, flip the light cycle to 12/12.

Seriously brosef, I hate to tell you that the 150 and CFLs aren't good enough but if you flower them out under that, you will be really dissapointed in the small, airy buds that you get. It is sooo worth the cost of maxing out the lighting and ventilation before doing anything else. Just look at any of the grow journals and read where guys like myself start out with smaller lighting only to find that it takes a lot more to get the killer buds. :)
here's a pic of the garden tone I was talking about:

organic plant mix1.JPG

organic plant mix3.JPG

orgtanic plant mix5.JPG
If you are in soil such as in organic grows and you aren't using the chemical fertilizers that garden tone will add organic nutrients that have already been processed by natural microbe activity. And it has lots of microbes in it that will continue to break down the organic material in compost soil and make it available to the plants. It is very good for ammending soil and for "top dressing" soil after plants are in. It is a good way for growers in soil to feed the plants when going into flower as the soil will be getting low on nutrients from veg growth if the plants have been in for several weeks.
Wow--how do you get your plants to grow sideways like that?

Part of determining when to flower depends on how much space you have. Plants can double or triple in height when put into flowering.

I think that your lighting and nutes have probably been the biggest reasons that your plants are not larger. They do look healthy however. I would recommend more/better light if at all possible. It really will make a big difference in your yield at harvest time.

I use both Plant-Tone and Bio-Tone for my soil grows.
i'm just going off memory, i believe if growing from seed its 5-8weeks till your plants will reach sexual maturity. you can still begin flowering before they've reached sexual maturity. i'm pretty sure if you dont wait till they've matured to flower it causes unwanted stress on the plants, but i'd wait till a more experienced grower confirms or denies that. there are tell tale signs that your plants have matured. some being, pre-flowers, and i believe nodes begin to alternate on new growth. once again confirmation of these statements from an experienced grower would help ease the burden of possibly giving this guy bad info

gl with your grow and green mojo to ya

haha yeah hemp godess, i couldnt figure out how to rotate it. my plants are healthy, jus growing slow. and i feel like they are drinking so much water! im definityl going to get the garden tone, i dont know if ill be able to get a 400w, im kinda low on funds, thats why i have the two 75 w cfls in there as well to gived under the top canopy some light. do i have to have a ballast for a 400 watt.
If you have the ballast for the 400w then check on Ebay for a light fixture to with it. You should be able to get some pretty cheap. I saw a 6" cooltube which can be used with any ballast for like $54.

They are probably getting very warm if they are using a lot of water. They will sweat just like us when they are too warm. make sure they are getting plenty of fresh air blowing on them to keep them cool and give them fresh co2. Make sure you are pulling the old, stale, warm air out rather than trying to push fresh air in :)

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