What OS are you using and why?

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i run windows for home web surfing and i run debian on a pc i have and run centos on 2 laptops i have
PencilHead said:
I always heard that if you ever went Mac, you'd never go back.;)

I'm in the music biz and have been a lifelong Mac user since most of the pro music software I used for work was developed for Mac only in the early years of digital recording and editing. Although I wouldn't dream of changing over to PC and I even hate doing simple things such as checking my email on a PC, I don't suggest anyone change over unless they know of a specific program or something about the Mac that they want or need. I have a pal who was given a new Mac for Christmas and he hates it...:p Nothing is where he's used to having it, all the shortcuts are different AND most of his existing software won't run on it unless he gets the program required to run PC software on his Mac... Always a learning curve... I know I'd be in the same situation if I was given a PC...:rolleyes:


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