whats the best way to make your bud purple?

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my point is science... when you flush, what are you doing, you are stoping the process of the plant creating chlorophyll, that is why your plants yellow when you flush. You do this to make your buds smell and taste better, not like green chlorophyll.

When you grow a purple strain the plant breaks down the chlorophyll by accumulating anthocyanin, when they start to turn purple. Purple Urkel never really goes through that green tasting and smelling stage of the cure because by the time you harvest nearly all of the chlorophyll has already been broken down.
I still do cure my purple buds bud I do know what you mean
I never flush. I use mostly organic, and most of my buds (except my purple NorthernSkunk) taste awesome, chlorophyll and all. A proper drying period and a good cure, and your tastebuds are in heaven. Purple buds taste better, c'mon! I also grew out Purple Power that tasted like, well..... weed. Sorry to burst your bubble, keep it GREEN!
crazy i respect your opinions but honestly you have to do more research, you are coming here with opinions when I am presenting you with scientific facts, please read the whole acticle i posted
Crazy Horse said:
I never flush. I use mostly organic, and most of my buds (except my purple NorthernSkunk) taste awesome, chlorophyll and all. A proper drying period and a good cure, and your tastebuds are in heaven. Purple buds taste better, c'mon! I also grew out Purple Power that tasted like, well..... weed. Sorry to burst your bubble, keep it GREEN!

Bro you are not bursting anything of mine, I do not even know why i am debating with you when you saying that you grow Organic so you do not have to flush. LMAO
most buds you take off a plant wet maybe better for u ;) your gettin pure thc no tar no nothing
State all the "facts" that u want. How many purple strains have u grown? This is my own "personal" findings. My last harvest was the third grow of a purple strain (2 purpled because of cold temps) and there is no wonderful mysterious flavour to any of them. My Jillybean is by far the tastiest bud I have ever grown. I haven't grown a lot, but so far nothing is even close. But on the other hand it lacks potency, so that sucks. Again sorry!?
Read deeper my friend. I said mostly organic, and lots of it, and also a fair share of them nasty chemicals.
Crazy Horse said:
Read deeper my friend. I said mostly organic, and lots of it, and also a fair share of them nasty chemicals.

OK so I gave you the benefit of the dought by just saying that you used organics, and don't have to flush, but now you are saying that you use chemicals as well and you do not have to flush but yet have wonderful taste, that beats purple urkel and mendo purps... nothing more to be said
Can't say I've smoked them before, but I've heard they are killer. There are long time growers on here that say flushing is pointless. I've had some really green plants come harvest time, and they were fine. Could they have been better? Probably. I plain old just hate flushing! it's a pain in my ***. Anyways nice chatting, will have to do again!
Either way it all comes down to personal preference in my opinion, one mans bunk is another man's bomb.

The one major knock on most elite purple strains is that they are not always as potent as their green pheno counterparts. Because most purple strains have green and purple phenos, like my mendo has 3 different pheno's, 1 starts to purple at around 25-30 days of flowering, the other 2-3 weeks before harvest and the last is the green pheno which will not turn purple ever, even in cold temps. potency wise the green pheno is king but taste wise the purple pheno's are unmatched.

Peace Crazy horse, nice little conversation
Im sorry?? all you gotta do is take some bud off a plant and put it in a bong or pipe and smoke it?? I find that the most natural way of smoking herbs ;)
thats only for good sim fruity stuff where you dont need a cure at all but what do I know ;)

Purple buds are gorgeous. Green buds are also... but there is something about purple that is just better to me. Personal preference I guess.
I have grown out door strains that were so outrageously purple, with huge black fan leaves at harvest time. It was the most beautiful I have ever grown. The best high was watching this plant mature from a tiny seed... and the smoke was excellent. A lot of people want beauty and taste and a buzz, and not to get ripped totally. There is something very satisfying about growing something ten feet tall that you can just look at forever. I hated to harvest what made it through the CAMP days when they came in with helicopters and chopped them all down. They chopped most of my plants, but my favorite biggest was off a cliff down a steep trail and they didn't find it. I wish I'd taken pictures, but that was way before digital cameras and it was very illegal here... :eek::eek::eek::eek:
I'm still keeping it purple. :rofl:
NorCalHal said:
Cold air does help, but you really need a strain that has that trait.

IMHO, you should not buy into the purp hype, it's not all that. Just because E-40 smokes it, don't make it the "one".
so true it has a big hype around it just over color. dont get me wrong i love purp weed but its not anything special its just purp. but people here or see purp and they automaticaly think killer weed not so its just purp weed. i have smoked lots of different purp weed and most of it isnt even that good compared to anything ive smoked. there was one purp strain that did it for me SPUTNIK from TGA seeds that my buddy grew and im not sure its considered a purp strain but 75% of the calyxes where a beautiful lavender color on half the phenos good stable genetics
MassProducer has a good point. True Purp strains do taste good. But there are plenty of strains that taste as good or better imho.
It is TRULY the rap culture that made "purp" seem like the one. they have hyped it to seem like if you aint got purp, you have swag. It's **.
Now, every kid with a garage floro wants to grow only "purp". Silly.

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