White spots

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Jan 23, 2015
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I transplanted yesterday and today I have white spots on my leafs that wipe right off now, never had this happen any one no what met be the problem?
when you "wipe" them off do they show up again?...this could be Powder mold..

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Does that wipe off? Turn the leaf over and do you see black bug ****?

The stem looks like mildew...oh dear. Do you have fans and what is your humidity?
looks to me like ya sprayed something ??
Yes it wipes off, and yes I do see bug poo but bugs are dead I try to spray neem oil with bonide sticker every three days humidity is low and I do have fan do you think I should spray fungie neem oil for mold or what?
Why in the world are you spraying with need oil every three days, oh lord give me strength.

If you wipe it ALL off does it come back?
Don't have co2 and need to control spider mites that's why I spray the neem oil what do you suggest?
Just sprayed with water wipe leafs down and there seems to be discoloration were the white spots were any other suggestions on what it met be and a product to treating, thought neem oil was all organic
neem is organic but it is yucky. Is that neem oil on the leaves that got bleached by the light? We can't treat until we know for sure what you have.
Spraying with neem oil like that has probably totally clogged up the pores of the plant--that stuff is oil after all. Do not treat plants for things they do not have. If you are worried about mites, get a preventative like SNS 209. Besides, I have never actually seen or heard of neem oil actually doing any good against spider mites. Those neem oil guys must have some great sales reps--so many new growers buy it and just use it randomly without really understanding what it does (and doesn't) do. Stuff is nasty. I also hate it.

DO NOT DO ANYTHING (except quit using the neem oil) UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR PLANT. It sounds like mildew to me, but I live in a place that has low humidity and I never have had it. Do you have an extraction fan in your space?
I know u guys hate pesticides but that ortho veg flower insect killer is amazing...1treatment gone..last time 3 treatments with ultimate wash and still had to close shop early...tech
I micro scope in there are no living bugs going to treat for mold and see how it goes thanks for the help I I'm definitely going to switch to SNS products will keep updated.