Will any type of Lumens work????

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Nov 12, 2007
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what i mean is; as long as a bulb has lumens, can you use it for growing?

i ask because right now i am in need of more CFL's, but to hold me over till i get the cfl's, i was going to use a house hold bulb that puts out 640 lumens. it does not give off much heat either, and its full spectrum.

so let me know if it will help the plant if i use it.
well if that being said. remember yo u cant grow with a flashlight... and it has lumens.
Yup what Hick said :D All lights will give off lumens (a unit of luminous flux equal to the light emitted in a unit solid angle by a uniform point source of one candle intensity) however that light has to fall into the spectrum that plants then turn into energy.. So yeah a lot of different types of lights will not work such as black lights, flash lights, and standard lamp lights (for like a work desk or something)
yes but this bulb is FULL SPECTRUM, so shouldnt it give off all the colors a plant would need???
buddy ull do fine. wat u should do is get cool white energy saving 32watt bulbs, they put out 2150 lumens each and r equal to 120 watt bulbs that ur using. The plants will grow under any lights as long as there is enough lumens but using incandesnt r w/e will slow growth alot. If u do plan on using ur full spectrum bulbs use like 4 of them.
i only plan on using this one just for alittle bit during Veg. and im using it for the sprouts, to give them some heat. its just to hold me over till i get more cfl's

i germinated 7 seeds, and all grew a taproot. then i planted and all 7 seeds have sprouted ::)) thought i would share the good news with you guys
Some of the posts here are rather inaccurate.

Not ALL 32w bulbs give off the same amount of lumens. Watts do NOT directly correspond to lumens in any means.

When someone tells you that their 32w bulbs put off a certain lumen, make sure you find out what brand and model number. I've looked into CFLs like this before and no matter what watt, all manufacturers have different ratings for spectrums/color temps and lumens.

Make sure you study up on color temps, and lumens before making your purchases. Remember you need 5000 lumens PER SQ. FOOT of grow space. Take your grow area's width and depth and multiply them, then multiply that number by 5000 to get your total lumens required for that grow space. You'll then have to find the least amount of bulbs with the highest amount of lumens that will add up to what you need. This way you can save money, ensure you have enough light, and grow some good NON-stretchy plants! :)
Techinically it will grow. Just like crap. You need to simulate the sun.

md.apothecary said:
You'll then have to find the least amount of bulbs with the highest amount of lumens that will add up to what you need. This way you can save money, ensure you have enough light, and grow some good NON-stretchy plants! :)

and that cfl would be the 150 watt. i havent seen any higher than that.
:holysheep: it's not about WATTS it's about LUMENS

dont even bother looking at watts unless you're concerned with energy consumption.

you could have a 150w CFL that puts out 1800 lumens! That is a total waste of time and money and energy.

Or you could have a 65w Fluorex CFL like I have, that puts out 6500+ Lumens!
See the differences yet?

My two 65w CFL's will put off less total watts than your 150 and be well over 10000 lumens which for the money is really the best route for me. so the less wattage traded off for approx. 1000 lumens makes no sense. Also consider with the prices of bulb replacements etc.

MY 65W CFL BULB is $9.98 at my local hardware store. Looks like 150w CFL's run $42.79 (ONLINE)

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