worm casting-amount to feed?

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The grass is greener...
Jan 26, 2007
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can i place worm castings in a soil mix for seedlings. what is the best way to administer the castings :confused: ?
last of all, what amounts should i add to my young /mature, plants man.
:cool: :48: :stoned:
Any feedback would be fantastic!
Yeah sure. It is a good source of N. And it is very light too. For seedlings, I would go with 1/2 cup/gal. of soil.
It's mixed with your soil, prior to the soil being used
I think it was Eman who told me that some people even just grow straight out of pure worm castings.
Eh, if you grew in straight worm castings you wouldn't have any drainage. You would be growing in essentially mud.
cheers guys n` gals,
that would cost a small fortune, to grow streight from worm castings.
the tub i just bought cost £9.99! but it was buy 1-get one free so i had to get em. they`re only 8 litre tubs man, bloody taxes!:bong2: :bong: :guitar:
Should i use any other ferts WITH these castings??
For seedlings? I just drop mine in organic soil with no other ferts. You should be fine with that for a few weeks... I am still new to the soil deal but that is what I have done and it works great so far.
Anyone got any info on "amounts" to feed the ladies,when they get to around the 1-2 month mark?
Any other ferts i should use in conjunction with the castings?
thanx for the feedback dudes.:smoke1: :48: :smoke1:
Well, it's tough to answer that. The thing you are looking to do is make your correct NPK value. Worm castings aren't "the key" to good pot. There are many additives needed to make a good soil mix. My castings give me 1-0-0 so I use about a Cup/gal. at all stages of growth. IMO BTW. ;)
so DL, i know worm castings aren`t the sole provider of nutes for a crop.
i have loads of different nutrients like bone meal and "high n" product-25-15-15, also MG plant feed 6-5-5 aswell as loads of other ferts for bloom phase.
what i would like to know is, in what quantity of these nutes to add in conjunction with the worm castings. all these nutes have the 7 essential "trace ellements".
Obviously i won`t be using all the above mentioned ferts, but i`ll experiment a little with highly dilluted amounts of each and watch to see what works best,:ccc: .
did i just answer my own question:confused: lol.
any feedback will be great man,thanx.... Shuggy.:tokie: :stoned: :tokie:
Well, they say to go for a 3-2-1 mix for veg. Get as close to that as possible with those ferts... My bone meal is 12-1-0 I believe. I use a pinch of it in the bottom 2" of dirt and one more pinch/gallon. Also I use one pinch in my soil top dressing mix. MG, I would probably use a tablespoon/gallon. Experimentation is key for everyone's each individual soils and ferts. I have just started and I have been getting very different results with very small tweaks. I didn't even feed my plants in my different mixes anything but H2O until very recently to isolate the soil as much as possible... Tried not adding any other variables that could skew my results. It is still too soon to make any definitive observations, but just play with your ratios, take notes, and see what works.
nice one,my bone meal is 4-20-0, i`ve also got a product that`s 5-5-10,
loads of trial and error. that`s the only way, like you said "it`s personal preference".
I use blackgold soil which has worm casings in it, I also add one large bag of blackgold worm casings to every 4 bags of blackgold for my soil mix for clones. I don't have to give them ANY nutes till they are 1 foot high and I transplant from 2 gallon bags to 5 gallon bags. I fill the 5 gal bag half full of this mix then put a 1" layer of more worm casings down and lay the rootball directly on that and fill in the sides with the regular mix. They only need weak nutes, molasses, and epson salts till they are 4" Tall when I go 12/12 and start bloom nutes. Worm casings are the BOMB and I wouldn't bother worrying about 0-0-0 numbers as long as you have enough perlite, vermiculite etc.in it.
alaskabud said:
Worm casings are the BOMB and I wouldn't bother worrying about 0-0-0 numbers as long as you have enough perlite, vermiculite etc.in it.

No offense, just my opinion and some fact... Come on ABud. So we call can disregard NKP values? So, I can use a 1-5-50 ratio for veg and the plants will thrive? NKP values are VERY important. Soil for your plants is like the shoes you put on every morning. You aren't going to wear your flip flops out when you get 3 feet of snow in Alaska, are you? NKP values are the major thing I change with my soil mixes. It is by far the most important thing with growing ganja. That is why there are different ferts for veg and flower.:rolleyes:;)
DLtoker said:
No offense, just my opinion and some fact... Come on ABud. So we call can disregard NKP values? So, I can use a 1-5-50 ratio for veg and the plants will thrive? NKP values are VERY important. Soil for your plants is like the shoes you put on every morning. You aren't going to wear your flip flops out when you get 3 feet of snow in Alaska, are you? NKP values are the major thing I change with my soil mixes. It is by far the most important thing with growing ganja. That is why there are different ferts for veg and flower.:rolleyes:;)

What you say isn't wrong but people like to make growing mj into complicated Rocket science. I mixed soils before and I agree you have to follow guidelines when adding bloodmeal etc to the mix. With blackgold plus even more wormcrap I don't have to worry about NPK untill my MJ is in bloom. Weak 1/4 then up to 1/2 veg nutes, molasses and epson salts till bloom, then redline the PK thru bloom nutes plus batcrap and some molasses till I harvest. Same strain every grow, 16" fat resinous colas, 40 oz per 1K. Reading 2 years and thousands of threads on multiple forums just got me confused. I like keeping it simple. "Show the man a way to grow bigass piles of good bud without accumilating enough knowledge for a Horticultural Degree" is my motto:D
Haha nice man. I hear you. Right there you acknowledged the importance of NKP values. I knew you knew they were important, you just misspoke a little I think. Simplicity is key in my world too. But the key to that is knowing enough to keep it simple. BTW, what strain are you growing?
DLtoker said:
Haha nice man. I hear you. Right there you acknowledged the importance of NKP values. I knew you knew they were important, you just misspoke a little I think. Simplicity is key in my world too. But the key to that is knowing enough to keep it simple. BTW, what strain are you growing?

I know NPK, you have to, but blackgold mix made it so I don't have to think about it too much till bloom and get great results.
I'm at the point where I won't change anything with this strain with the exception of maybe adding CO2 down the road. "I just want what I got the last few times dear lord."
I don't know the name of the strain. Local cashcroppers "big secret", willing to sell expensive clones but won't tell ya what the hell he crossed it with. Sativa dominant and finishes in 7 weeks from the start of 12/12. I run it 52-53 days for paroniacouchlock effect.
thanx for the replys dudes, yeah i know that "NPK ratios" have to be stabilized. High nitrogen for veg and plenty of phosphorus and potassium for flower with little or no nitrogen, right?
I`ve got some product that`s 25-15-15,also 6-5-5 and 5-5-10. on top of these, i have bone meal with a ratio 4-20-0,and lots of other ferts that i won`t bother you all with the details. Although suffice to say that i have loads of various nutes for each stage of growth.
you say that you use "epsom salts", is that just for extra magnesium and as a "ph buffer", or can it really feed the plants right up till bloom?
I have epsom salts, but was informed only to use it when there is a recognised need. Anyone got any info on this?:bong1: :cool: :bong1: