To Chop or Wait another week or so?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2007
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Alright guys, I am at a crossroads atm.... I just finished my 6th week of flowering. Pistils are turning amber nicely, trichs are about 60% clear (which is what we want according to the harvesting page, unless I read it wrong) and the calyxs are swollen nicely. all the signs are there, but since this is my first grow to go this far, 6 weeks seems early. This is bagseed so I have no Idea what strain any of the plants are and they all looks different. I have decided which one to keep the clones from and work with, After I topped her, she grew her side branches up to form a nice level top canopy and I am getting 9 colas off her :holysheep: . The colas are not huge, but they are pretty nice.:hubba:

So should I chop or give it another week?

Also, one of the plants seem to start dying off, so I am guessing she is done and at the end of her life.... but again, so quickly.
are the leaves yellowing thats a good way to tell that she is at the end and finishing
Yes, Yellowing and drying up.... I grew up on a tobacco farm and she is starting to look like a tobacco plant about time to cut..... We allways called it 'firin up' heh.... seems like it is about time to FIRE IT UP!!! hehe
thats when i do it sounds like your ready then but wait dont do it becuse i told you to get some other advice but it sound like there ready though
Yea gonna get a couple more opinions I hope.... I am not gonna do anything till Sunday at least... I have to go to work tonite and wont be back till then anyway.
Yea, gimme a couple mins... gotta go dig out the camera.

Coloring ont he first pic sux.... HPS light heh.... the other 2 the camera compensated pretty well.... the third pic is the top of the plant that has the 8 or 9 colas on it.... as I said they are not big.. but they are nice and dense.... you should be able to zoomin pretty close.. it is a Hi Res cam.

mom 001.jpg

mom 002-1.jpg

mom 003-1.jpg
one thing I feel compelled to mention... not all the plants will be ready to harvest at the same time... they may be close, but they may all be different. harvest your plants on an individual basis to get the most bang for your buck per plant. the trichs take a while to get to the amber stage, but once that starts happening, that's when you want to harvesting a plant. the less you allow to amber, the more "heady" a high it will be. if you want couchlock pot, allow most of the trich's to amber.

remember... you control the type of stone the young lady is gunna give you.
I'd definitely say you got a couple more weeks at least on those if you wanna get the prime smoke.

Ideally you want the calyxes to be popping into each other making super calyxes.

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Thank you TCVG, I agree..... a couple of the plants are fired up more than the others...
TY Widowmaker, I see the yellowing and browning that I also have on my plants, was a lil worried, I can let them go a bit longer. I am not in a huge rush for harvest, although I have a couple sample buds drying now.
from your pics, I'd say you've got at least another week left before the fruit starts to mature, if not more. the fan leaves r just starting to die off... there's at least a few weeks of life left to those beauties. look'n sweet
From what I can see in the pics the calyxes haven't started swelling yet.

There are very few strains out there that are full ripe after the breeders recommended flowering times.

You go see sensi seeds or whoever and they give you 45-50 days or whatever.

Well for a start theres a wide debate about where that begins, from 12/12 from preflower or from early flower.

6 weeks seems early for any strain, I'd doubt highly that any are ready for the chop just yet.

2 weeks is a rough guide but its a possibility it could take longer.

People take into account different things before they harvest.

Some like to judge by looking at the trichomes through a microscope and judging the color of the trichomes and frequency of amber to cloudy.

Some just go off the pistils and when they have some kind of set percentage of red pistils that they have pre conceived about when to flush and subsequently harvest.

Some just look at the buds by the size and think ok she's not getting any fatter lets chop her down.

I like to take into account of all these things if i can and i'm not afraid to take buds as they become ripe.

It's very rare to find a plant that will be ready all at once let alone getting 5 of the same strain to.
Those buds aren't ready. You don't want to harvest at 60% clear. Maybe 60% amber and 40% cloudy and very little clear trichs. Those buds are going to swell up much better. Just be patient.
I have no knowledgeable input on the harvest time. I just want to see pics of these in the next few weeks. :holysheep:
Not ready yet. Be patient, this is when she really starts putting on weight in the next couple of weeks.

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