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      brozz replied to the thread Caterpillars.
      Thanks and yea i just bought a couple spray bottles of it.
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      brozz posted the thread Caterpillars in Sick Plants & Problems.
      Caterpillars just started attacking my granddaddy purple which just went into flower. I only saw one but i did see the cotton nest...
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      brozz replied to the thread Quick question.
      I cut it by 1/2 finally. Everclear is still present and strong - thinking of adding MCT oil to cut the harsh taste and the strength too.
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      Made tincture with everclear- talk about harsh so i have been using a hot water bath to try to evaporate it off. yea it's taking...
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      brozz replied to the thread How can this be LoL.
      That is down right ugly LoL
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      brozz reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread How can this be LoL with Like Like.
      If it regenerates it will be a bushy girl. You may be in for a pleasant surprise. She's outdoors and has plenty of room. To me this...
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      brozz replied to the thread How can this be LoL.
      I didn't realize they could reveg after going into bloom. New to me! So i will treat her like the other out there on the deck and see...
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      brozz replied to the thread How can this be LoL.
      All 3 were started in my house prior to me putting those 2 out on the deck. I will agree that genetics played a role with that...
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      brozz replied to the thread How can this be LoL.
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      Put a Granddaddy Purple and a Platinum cookie in 5 gallon buckets side by side out on my deck roughly 2 weeks ago. The Granddaddy Purple...
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