Recent content by pokesmot

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  1. P

    noob growing question

    I live in North Carolina and was wondering if with winter aproaching is it too late to start a plant? and also how should i start the plant off inside before moving it outside? Anything special i should know about growing in NC climate? -Thanks for the help on the noob questions guys...
  2. P


    Okay, so when are the effects going to go away??
  3. P


    So if it did have something on it, how do i get it out of my system so the effects quit happening?
  4. P


    But my whole thing is that i smoked the sour diesel one time but now when i smoke even some crappy weed or some mids i still get this feeling....maybe it's all in my head i don't know.
  5. P


    yeah i think I'm just gonna smoke a lot less and lay low for a week or so. Thanks everyone for reassuring me that I'm not permanentlyEDITup =)
  6. P


    Nah, but if it was laced with pcp, how long would it take to get out of my system? and I've only been smokin for like a year tops. I almost wouldn't mind the frame **** if i new that i was gonna be okay and that it was gonna go away after a while and i would just get high again like normal.
  7. P


    When i say a little funny i mean that like I'll be driving down the road and the lines seem like they come at me sort of slow. As far as i know, my friend does not feel the effects at all anymore. He said he felt them when we smoked the blunt, but not afterwards. Is it possible that if i just...
  8. P


    Sometimes during the day when I'm sober i'll feel a little funny and some thing will play with my mind a little bit which is also a bit strange.
  9. P


    Sounds good, but should i still feel the effects 3 weeks later when i get high? i don't personally like the way that it makes me feel. For 6 months when i smoked i never felt this way and i absolutely loved it =) i smoked a half a blunt of some reggie **** weed and i still got the effects. I...
  10. P


    So the other day me and a friend smoked a blunt of what we were told was sour diesel and some beasters. As we finished, i noticed that the trees and the road were almost in a "Frames" type of view, the road moved forward, and the trees were moving in. My friend said he seen it too. Everytime i...
  11. P


    So the other day me and a friend smoked a blunt of what we were told was sour diesel and some beasters. As we finished, i noticed that the trees and the road were almost in a "Frames" type of view, the road moved forward, and the trees were moving in. My friend said he seen it too. Everytime i...