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    Lighting question

    Is this a good idie? If i have a 9 foot area to split it and use metal halide for veg and then HPS for flowering? Do plants continue to grow taller in the flowering stage? and should i split it evenly 4ft6inches or lop-side it for one of the stages so the bulb is farther away?
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    Mirrors on the ground?

    Is this a good idie? To put some plastic down on the ground then mirrors over it? will this reflect the light better then wood or carpet? what do you guys think about this someone i know recomended it
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    what should i get

    im about to go to the hardware store for the first time to get my basic setup and buy the basic stuff i would need for a 3x3 by 9ft tall closet grow spot for 6 plants what should i be getting? a 400wat HPS bulb and a fixture a resavour some plastic to put down some pro mix seedling starter some...
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    Setup help

    If i want to have 6 plants in a 4.5foot tall area what would be the best lighting? a HID 400wat or a CFL and if CFL what wat
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    About pro-mix

    I heard that this is a good soil to use for beginers? Is there anything els i need to add to it or can i plant seeds right into it? What am i supose to do with seeds? put them right into the soil or what?
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    New here! Co2 and Lighting question

    What does all this stuff mean? HID HDS ect... What are the difrent things called and what are they and whats the difrence between them? I feel so lost when im reading these forums How far away should the lights be from the plants? I have a 9foot closet and wana break it into 2 4.5 foot...
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    New to growing! Anyone wana help?

    So this will be my first attempt at growing. I have yet to order seeds and i am planning on ordering White Widow it seems to be rather easy to grow and clone and does well in doors, at least that is what i have read. I have a few questions and i am hoping someone can help 1. Is white widow a...