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  1. S

    Transplanting an outdoor grow

    Help! Plant is just a monster getting ready to top my fence and I no longer feel safe with it outside especially since I just read the following...I only have the one plant and "thought" no way they would waste time with a single plant:rolleyes...
  2. S

    Flowering....topping okay?

    Plant way to tall and starting to flower. Is it okay to top it or is that too much stress on it? Is it still possible to tie it down for horizontal low stress training? Outdoor grow. Thanks in advance:)
  3. S

    How far into flowering to keep giving bloom nutes? When do I stop?

    All kinds of conflicting info as well as different opinions, not sure what to. First time medical grower:) Been giving her store bought blooming nutes that are working well. I do know flushing is important towards the ending of flowering stage Thanks in advance you awesome group and guys and...
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    Frost and light freeze on the way in my neck of the me save bush

    I spent a few moments reading the sticky about frost. I have a feeling I am going to get hit 33-40 temps at night very soon. I just wanted to ask the experts whats the absolute best way to cover and save my plants. Bringing them indoors is out of the question unfortunately. PNW high desert...
  5. S

    Outdoors...brutal temps, all day sun...gallon a day of water okay?

    I see no ill effect but am just curious. On a solid note they are growing like mad:)
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    Question regarding growth and never flowering

    Is it possible for a plant to just basically turn into a shrub or tree and never flower?????
  7. S

    Oh the humanity!

    Walked out for a quick checkup on my first attempt at an outdoor grow to find one of the lower branches broke off close the ground of the main stalk. I assume some pet or critter:( Stalk on the broken branch was as big around as a sharpy, main stalk BIG for its 3 foot height. Anyway, here is my...
  8. S

    Did I plant to late????

    Dropped a handful of seeds into the ground late June as a soil test. Plant looks absolutely awesome, but I am afraid I missed my ideal window. No clue what the strain is, my guess is Sativa by the looks. Live in the high desert and the plant gets 14 hours of hard sunlight daily. I'll have good...
  9. S

    Hi all!

    Introductions are in order, this forum is awesome! I look forward to many years with you guys and gals:) ...dont sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things;)