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  1. C

    Dark green and wilting

    Good to know. I'm try trying to weed out any problems before i buy big dollar seeds Kind of a weird question but daily i smoke some cheeba w/ my plants as i inspect them or water. I blow some smoke their way frequently is this ok
  2. C

    Dark green and wilting

    You should only water when you can't feel moisture with your finger two inches into the medium. this is a great tip haven/t seen this one yet and it easy.UPDate: ONLY 1 PLANT LEFT. THIS ONE WAS TRANSPLANTED INTO A BIGGER PLANETR ( A REAL 1 )i'm letting it dry out now we'll see. I went out to...
  3. C

    Dark green and wilting

    After my root exam today i found that they arev not abnormally brown but they do smell like amonia
  4. C

    Dark green and wilting

    All the deaths have ocuured within the past few days .......weeps quietly....but i doin ok now
  5. C

    Dark green and wilting

    my roots did smell funky but i don't know what they are supposed to smell like. on the plants i de-pot today i will look at the roots for the above symptoms
  6. C

    Dark green and wilting

    More of you guys are confirming my suspicions of root rot. i beleive my medium is to dense. too much manure led to too much water retention. MG-did'nt know the abbreviation and no i hate MG bad results a few years ago
  7. C

    Dark green and wilting

    Yes i read this and was unsure how to take it: on 1 hand nutrient defi. cause discoloring which i did'nt have.So i was just looking for a more personel response. I must say this forums has been very helpful to me. I started all of this because i watched the video tutorial an said to myself " i...
  8. C

    Dark green and wilting

    here are some pics
  9. C

    Dark green and wilting

    maybe not enough. i'm trying to get some pics up maybe this will help you help me
  10. C

    Dark green and wilting

    Not really sure what mg is as my green thumb know-how comes from planting tomatoes outside. So it's a common potting soil with manure additive. I also bought some food with the numbers 25-10-10 but my plants started to croak before i used any food
  11. C

    Dark green and wilting

    My concern was not enough air to the roots as my grow medium is a liitle thick but i would like to narrow the problem down because this is my first grow and until i can get an understading of what's happening i do'nt want to buy seeds
  12. C

    Dark green and wilting

    no co2 my operation is in the states and a little crude.It worked very well up to this point. i had 12 healthy plants then in a matter of 1 1/2 days with no changes to water or light they died. BTW i'm growing in regular planters at the 2 gal. size
  13. C

    Dark green and wilting

    with not much left to lose i'll try that. I've read quite a few info pages and just have'nt seen the same symptoms
  14. C

    Dark green and wilting

    I currently have 4/12 plants left 6 weeks old and out of the blue the other 8 grew dark green then wilted and died.the last 4 are on their way as well any help would be appreciated