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  1. J

    question - first attempt outdoors

    Thanks guys, that's good news indeed. Main reason about asking about harvest time again is because I head overseas for 5 weeks leaving on Mar 16. Was wondering if I could harvest before I leave, or will I have to leave her with a friend?
  2. J

    question - first attempt outdoors

    here's more recent pics. As you can see, flowering now. I think this is female right? Any idea how many weeks left to harvest?
  3. J

    question - first attempt outdoors

    Just another update. Weather here has still been fairly mild for this time of yr. Any thoughts on whether boy or girl?
  4. J

    question - first attempt outdoors

    well folks, just a quick update. Looks like she managed to pull thru. She's still small but starting to grow quicker, now that the weather is getting better. Here's a few snaps...
  5. J

    question - first attempt outdoors

    thanks for the tips mate. Just another question...when you say "it doesn't help to move the plant a lot, it suffers shock everytime you move it." ...I presume you mean actually transplanting it (as opposed to moving the pot around)? I often move it around during the day to get the full sun. Thanks.
  6. J

    question - first attempt outdoors

    G'day detective et al I wish I had read your post yesterday:( Yesterday I decided to bore a few more holes in the bottom of my pot (it wasn't a proper drainage pot). Anyway it cracked apart and I had to transplant my plant. It's not looking too good today unfortunately. The leaaes are bending...
  7. J

    question - first attempt outdoors

    Hi guys Here an updated photo taken today. Progress is slow, but getting better. What do you think? cheers
  8. J

    question - first attempt outdoors

    Guys, I have another question (most likely a silly one) - when you say 'as much sunshine as possible' does it have to be in direct sunlight? My plant, because it's on a balcony, gets the morning sun from about 5.00am to noon, then as the sun passes over, is shaded until darkness untill around...
  9. J

    question - first attempt outdoors

    Hick, I think you're right... I've planted a few more just in case. It's really only an 'experiment' but if it works out then happy days! Can you advise on when they should be ready to harvest? I know you mentioned I have in excess of 3 months before flowering, but if I plant a couple of new...
  10. J

    question - first attempt outdoors

    Thanks a lot for the replies guys. And yes, summer is just about to start in Sydney, with the longest day being Dec 22. So hopefully I'll see an increase in growth rate over the next month or two. Just hope it's a female as I've only one plant left now...think the birds took a fancy to the...
  11. J

    question - first attempt outdoors

    Hi all This is my first post...greetings from Down Under! I was wondering if I could get some advice on the condition and progress of my first outdoor plant? The seeds were just random from a friend. They have been outside 24/7 and get around 5 hrs of sunshine a day. It's in the low 20s celsius...